1. ∆XYZ is right angled at Y. If m∠Z = 60°, then find the value of (cotX -­ 1/3).

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  • By: anil on 05 May 2019 02.02 am
    Sum of angles of $$ riangle$$ XYZ = $$angle X+angle Y+angle Z=180^circ$$ => $$60^circ+90^circ+angle X=180^circ$$ => $$angle X=180^circ-150^circ=30^circ$$ To find : $$(cot X -frac{1}{3})$$ = $$cot(30^circ)-frac{1}{3}$$ = $$sqrt3-frac{1}{3}$$ = $$frac{(3sqrt3-1)}{3}$$ => Ans - (A)
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