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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 766

38301. The transfer function of a first order system is

38302. Composition of alloys can be determined by

38303. Optical activity of a solution can be determined using a

38304. Stability of a control system containing a transportation lag can be best analysed by

38305. Stabilising time for the controllers is the time required for the response to reach __________ percent of its ultimate value.

38306. Time constant is the

38307. Mercury manometer (U-tube type) exemplifies a __________ order system.

38308. Emf developed by a thermocouple while measuring a temperature of 400°C is 22 mV. The type of thermocouple used is

38309. Bode stability method uses __________ loop transfer function.

38310. Working principle of bimetallic thermometers is difference in linear co-efficient of thermal expansion of two strips of different metals welded together. Which of the following has the maximum thermal co-efficient of linear expansion?

38311. Which of the following is not a second order instrument ?

38312. Small furnace draught is accurately measured by an inclined tube manometer, in which the manometric liquid used most commonly is

38313. Specific conductance is defined as the reciprocal of resistance in ohms of 1c.c. of liquid at a specified temperature. Its value for distilled water is about __________ micro mho/cm3.

38314. A simple pitot tube measures the

38315. For a feed back control system to be stable, the

38316. A mercury thermometer can not be used to measure the temperature below the freezing point of mercury, which is __________ °C.

38317. __________ controller has the maximum stabilising time.

38318. Out of the following temperature measuring instruments, the measurement accuracy will be minimum for the

38319. Stalagmometer is used for the measurement of

38320. The deflection in diaphragm (which is used as pressure sensor in pneumatic and electronic instruments) is dependent on the metal thickness, its diameter (d) and shape & number of corrugations. Its deflection is proportional to

38321. Who among the following is associated with ‘Keezhariyur Bomb case’of 1942?

38322. Liquid levels in autocalves are measued by

38323. E.m.f. generated by thermocouples is of the order of

38324. A pyrheliometer is an instrument used for measuring the

38325. Flow rate through an orifice is __________ the pressure differential.

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