1. Assertion (A): Absolute instruments are used in standard laboratories.Reason (R): Absolute instruments do not require calibration.

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MCQ-> Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : Eight friends - R, S, T, U, V, W. X and Y - are sitting around a circular table facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Each of the them studies in the different Standards viz, Standard I to Standard VIII, but not necessarily in the same order. T is second to the right of the person who studies in Standard VII. Only one person sits between T and the person who studies in Standard V. X is sitting third to the left of the person who studies in Standard VIII. The person studying in Standard VIII is not an immediate neighbour of the person studying in Standard VII. T does not study in Standard VIII. The person studying in Standard VI is to the left of U. U does not study in Standard V or Standard VIII. The persons studying in Standard VI and VII are immediate neighbours of each other. One of the immediate neighbours of the person studying in Standard VIII, studies in Standard II. S and Y are immediate neighbours of each other. There is one person between S and R. V does not study in Standard I. R studies in Standard V. Y does not study in Standard II. W is sitting between the persons who study in Standard VII and Standard IV. X is second to the right of the person studying in Standard I.Who among the following is sitting third to the right of T.
MCQ->Assertion (A): Absolute instruments are used in standard laboratories.Reason (R): Absolute instruments do not require calibration.

MCQ-> P, Q, R, S, T, V and W are seven students of a school. Each of them studies in different standard from Standard IV to Standard X not necessarily in the same order. Each of them has favourite subject from English, Science, History, Geography, Mathematics, Hindi and Sanskrit not necessarily in the same order. Q studies in VII Standard and does not like either Mathematics or Geography. R likes English and does not study either in V or in IX. T studies in VIII Standard and likes Hindi. The one who likes Science studies in X Standard. S studies in IV Standard. W likes Sanskrit. P does not study in X Standard. The one who likes Geography studies in V Standard.In which standard does W study ?
MCQ-> Study the following information carefully• and answer the questions given below : Seven friends, namely, M, N, 0, P, Q, R and S, have one essay competition each on seven different days of the same week from Monday to Sunday, but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them studies in different classes, viz, First, Second, Third, Fourth. Fifth. Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order. The one who studies in the First Standard has an essay competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second Standard and has an esay competion on Wednesday. N has the essay competition immediately before Q. N does not have the essay competition on any day after that of S. The one who studies in the Seventh Standard does not have an essay competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies in the Third Standard has the essay competition immediately after 0. Q does not study in the Fifth Standard. The one who studies in the Sixth standard does not have the essay competition immediately before or after S. R does not have the essay competition on Sunday and does not study in the Third Standard. P does not have the essay competition on any of the days before that of M.In which of the following standards does R study ?
MCQ-> Modern science, exclusive of geometry, is a comparatively recent creation and can be said to have originated with Galileo and Newton. Galileo was the first scientist to recognize clearly that the only way to further our understanding of the physical world was to resort to experiment. However obvious Galileo’s contention may appear in the light of our present knowledge, it remains a fact that the Greeks, in spite of their proficiency in geometry, never seem to have realized the importance of experiment. To a certain extent this may be attributed to the crudeness of their instruments of measurement. Still an excuse of this sort can scarcely be put forward when the elementary nature of Galileo’s experiments and observations is recalled. Watching a lamp oscillate in the cathedral of Pisa, dropping bodies from the leaning tower of Pisa, rolling balls down inclined planes, noticing the magnifying effect of water in a spherical glass vase, such was the nature of Galileo’s experiments and observations. As can be seen, they might just as well have been performed by the Greeks. At any rate, it was thanks to such experiments that Galileo discovered the fundamental law of dynamics, according to which the acceleration imparted to a body is proportional to the force acting upon it.The next advance was due to Newton, the greatest scientist of all time if account be taken of his joint contributions to mathematics and physics. As a physicist, he was of course an ardent adherent of the empirical method, but his greatest title to fame lies in another direction. Prior to Newton, mathematics, chiefly in the form of geometry, had been studied as a fine art without any view to its physical applications other than in very trivial cases. But with Newton all the resources of mathematics were turned to advantage in the solution of physical problems. Thenceforth mathematics appeared as an instrument of discovery, the most powerful one known to man, multiplying the power of thought just as in the mechanical domain the lever multiplied our physical action. It is this application of mathematics to the solution of physical problems, this combination of two separate fields of investigation, which constitutes the essential characteristic of the Newtonian method. Thus problems of physics were metamorphosed into problems of mathematics.But in Newton’s day the mathematical instrument was still in a very backward state of development. In this field again Newton showed the mark of genius by inventing the integral calculus. As a result of this remarkable discovery, problems, which would have baffled Archimedes, were solved with ease. We know that in Newton’s hands this new departure in scientific method led to the discovery of the law of gravitation. But here again the real significance of Newton’s achievement lay not so much in the exact quantitative formulation of the law of attraction, as in his having established the presence of law and order at least in one important realm of nature, namely, in the motions of heavenly bodies. Nature thus exhibited rationality and was not mere blind chaos and uncertainty. To be sure, Newton’s investigations had been concerned with but a small group of natural phenomena, but it appeared unlikely that this mathematical law and order should turn out to be restricted to certain special phenomena; and the feeling was general that all the physical processes of nature would prove to be unfolding themselves according to rigorous mathematical laws.When Einstein, in 1905, published his celebrated paper on the electrodynamics of moving bodies, he remarked that the difficulties, which surrouned the equations of electrodynamics, together with the negative experiments of Michelson and others, would be obviated if we extended the validity of the Newtonian principle of the relativity of Galilean motion, which applies solely to mechanical phenomena, so as to include all manner of phenomena: electrodynamics, optical etc. When extended in this way the Newtonian principle of relativity became Einstein’s special principle of relativity. Its significance lay in its assertion that absolute Galilean motion or absolute velocity must ever escape all experimental detection. Henceforth absolute velocity should be conceived of as physically meaningless, not only in the particular ream of mechanics, as in Newton’s day, but in the entire realm of physical phenomena. Einstein’s special principle, by adding increased emphasis to this relativity of velocity, making absolute velocity metaphysically meaningless, created a still more profound distinction between velocity and accelerated or rotational motion. This latter type of motion remained absolute and real as before. It is most important to understand this point and to realize that Einstein’s special principle is merely an extension of the validity of the classical Newtonian principle to all classes of phenomena.According to the author, why did the Greeks NOT conduct experiments to understand the physical world?
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