1. Snapdeal partnered with which of the following trade organisations to sell Japanese products?

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MCQ-> Read the following passage and answer the given questions. After the Second World War, the leaders of the Western world tried to build institutions to prevent the conflicts of the preceding decades from recurring. They wanted to foster both prosperity and interdependence, to 'make war not only unthinkable but materially impossible'. Their work bore fruit. Expanded global trade has raised incomes around the world. While globalisation is sometimes portrayed as a corporate plot against the workers; that was not how it was seen before 1914. British trade unions were in favour of free trade, which kept down food prices for their members and also opened up markets for the factories in which they worked. Yet, as the Brexit vote demonstrates globalisation now seems to be receding. Most economists have been blindsided by the backslash. Free trade can be a hard sell politically. The political economy of trade is treacherous. Its benefits, though substantial, are dilute, but its costs are often concentrated. This gives those affected a strong incentive to push for protectionism. Globalisation itself thus seems to create forces that erode political support for integration. Deeper economic integration required harmonisation of laws and regulations across countries. Differences in rules on employment contracts or product safety requirements, for instance, act as barriers to trade. Trade agreements like the TransPacific Partnership focus more on "nontariff barriers" than they do on tariff reduction. The net impact of this is likely to be that some individuals, consumers and businesses are not likely to be as benefitted as others and given rise to discontent. Thus the consequences of such trade agreements often run counter to popular preferences. Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize winner, has warned that companies influence over trade rules harms workers and erodes support for trade liberalisation. Clumsy government efforts to compensate workers hurt by globalisation contributed to the global financial crisis, by facilitating excessive household borrowing, among other things. Researchers have also documented how the cost of America's growing trade with China has fallen disproportionately on certain American cities. Such costs perpetuate a cycle of globalisation. Periods of global integration and technological progress generate rising inequality, which inevitably triggers two countervailing forces, one beneficial and one harmful. On the one hand, governments tend to respond to rising inequality by increasing redistribution and investing in education, on the other, inequality leads to political upheaval and war. The first great era of globalisation, which ended in 1914, gave way to a long period of declining inequality, in which harmful forces played a bigger rise than beneficial ones. History might repeat itself, he warns. Such warnings do not amount to arguments against globalisation. As many economists are quick to note, the benefits of openness are massive. It is increasingly clear, however, that supporters of economic integration underestimated the risks both that big slices of society would feel left behind and that nationalism would continue to provide an alluring alternative. Either error alone might have undercut support for globalisation and the relative peace and prosperity it has brought in combination, they threaten to reverse it.What can be concluded from the example of Britain cited in the passage ?
MCQ-> Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions. In a College P there are 19,000 students. They know different languages like Japanese. Korean and Latin. Ratio of males and females is 9 : 11. 14% of males know only Japanese. 12% know only Korean. 20% know only Latin. 16% know only Korean and Japanese. 22% know only Korean and Latin. 8% know only Japanese and Latin. Remaining boys know all the languages. 22% females know only Japanese. 18% know only Korean. 20% know only Latin. 12% know only  Japanese and Korean. 16% know only Korean and Latin. 10% know only Japanese and Latin. Remaining females know all the languages.How many male students in the college know at least two languages ?
MCQ->Snapdeal partnered with which of the following trade organisations to sell Japanese products?....
MCQ-> Read the following passage to answer the given question based on it. Some words/phrases are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.Organized retail has “fuelled” new growth categories like liquid hand wash, breakfast cereals and pet foods in the consumer goods industry accounting for almost 50% of their sales said data from market search firm Nielsen The figures showed some of these new categories got more than 40% of their business from modern retail outlets.The data also suggests how products in these categories reach the neighbourhood kirana stores after they have established themselves in modern trade While grocers continue to be an important channel for the new and evolving categories we saw an increased presence of the high end products in modern trade For example premium products in laundry detergents dishwashing car air fresheners and surface care increased in availability through this format as these products are aimed at “affluent” consumers who are more likely to shop in supermarket/hypermarket outlets and who are willing to pay more for specialized products Some other categories that have grown exceptionally and now account for bulk of the sales from modern retail are frozen and With the evolution of modern trade our growth in this channel has been healthy as it is for several other categories Modern retail is an important part of our business said managing director Kellogg India. What modern retail offers to companies experimenting with new categories is the chance to educate customers which was not the case with a general trade store Category creation and market development starts with modern trade but as more consumer start consuming this category they “penetrate into other channels” said president food FMCG category Future Group the country’s largest retailer which operates stores like Big Bazaar But a point to note here is that modern retailers themselves push their own private brands in these very categories and can emerge as a big threat for the consumers goods and foods companies For instance Big Bazaar’s private label Clean Mate is hugely popular and sells more than a brand like Harpic in its own stores So there is a certain amount of conflict and competition that will play out over the next few years which the FMCG companies will have to watch out for said KPMG’s executive director (retail) In the past there have been instances of retailers boycotting products from big FMCG players on the issue of margins but as modern retail become increasingly significant for “pushing” new categories experts say we could see more partnerships being forged between retailers and FMCG companies Market development for new categories takes time so brand wars for leadership and consumer franchise will be fought on the modern retail platform A new brand can overnight compete with “established” companies by trying up with few retailers in these categories president of Future Group addedWhich of the following is being referred to as new growth category ?
MCQ-> Read the following passage and answer the questions. Passage Trade fairs are among the most memorable events that take place periodically with the purpose of promoting sales, launching new products, bringing together manufacturers of a particular line of products and educating the public. They are held at all levels-international national, state and district. The most prominent among them are the India International Trade Fair. World Book Fair. Information Technology fair. Electronic Trade and Technology Fair. Textile Fair. Auto Expo. state level book fairs. district level exhibitions etc. India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO), which was incorporated in 1992 by the merger of Trade Development Authority (TDA) with the Trade Fair Authority of India (TFAI), has been playing a commendable role in this respect It can be said without a doubt that sales promotion is the most important purpose of these fairs. Bringing together the largest possible number of manufacturers, suppliers, existing and potential buyers under the same roof helps to promote the products in an effective way. All these people come together on a single platform for a fixed period of time. This offers a unique opportunity to manufacturers and suppliers to display their best products and services and the buyers get a chance to see a wide range of products and services. Conferences, seminars, live product demonstrations and presentations are regular features of these fairs and exhibitions. Besides these, colourful cultural programmes are also important features of such fairs. These fails give a good opportunity to the artists to showcase their skills and talent at such specially organized programmes.ITPO stands for:
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