1. The formula for the head loss in conduits is generally known as

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MCQ-> Answer questions on the basis of information given in the following case. MBA entrance examination comprises two types of problems: formula - based problems and application - based problem. From the analysis of past data, Interesting School of Management (ISM) observes that students good at solving application - based problems are entrepreneurial in nature. Coaching institutes for MBA entrance exams train them to spot formula - based problems and answer them correctly, so as to obtain the required overall cut - off percentile. Thus students, in general, shy away from application - based problem and even those with entrepreneurial mind - set target formula - based problems. Half of a mark is deducted for every wrong answer.ISM wants more students with entrepreneurial mind - set in the next batch. To achieve this, ISM is considering following proposals: I. Preparing a question paper of two parts, Parts A and Part B of duration of one hour each. Part A and Part B would consist of formula - based problems and application - based problems, respectively. After taking away Part A, Part B would be distributed. The qualifying cut - off percentile would be calculated on the combined scores of two parts. II. Preparing a question paper comprising Part A and Part B. While Part A would comprise formula - based problems, Part B would comprise application - based problems, each having a separate qualifying cut - off percentile. III. Assigning one mark for formula - based problems and two marks for application based problems as an incentive for attempting application - based problems. IV. Allotting one mark for formula - based problems and three marks for application - based problem, without mentioning this is the question paper. Which of the following proposal (or combination of proposals) is likely to identify students with best entrepreneurial mind - set?....
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MCQ->ISM conducts a common entrance examination every year. This year, the question paper would comprise 60 questions with an equal mix of formula - based problems and application - based problems. All questions would carry equal marks. Balaji is appearing for the examination. Before, appearing for the examination he gets the following information from coaching institutes: I. Application - oriented problems take more time to solve in an examination hall. II. Chances of silly mistakes would be low in application - based problems. III. ISM would assist the students with bank loans to start a new venture. IV. Options are generally con fusing for formula - based problems. V.‘Practice makes a man perfect’ can apply only to formula - based problems. VI. Students get very good campus jobs. Based on above information, which of the following options would help him to be better prepared for the examination?....
MCQ->Gravity conduits are generally in the form of....
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