1. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option.Mrs. Kapoor hovered around the patient in a display of great _______.

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 ons: I
 n the followI
 ng passage there are blanks, each of whI
 ch has been numbered. These numbers are prI
 nted below the passage and agaI
 nst each, fI
 ve words/ phrases are suggested, one of whI
 ch fI
 ts the blank approprI
 ately. FI
 nd out the approprI
 ate word/ phrase I
 n each case.There I
 s a consI
 derable amount of research about the factors that make a company I
 nnovate. So I
 s I
 t possI
 ble to create an envI
 ronment (I
 ) to I
 on? ThI
 s I
 s a partI
 cularly pertI
 nent (I
 ) for I
 a today. MassI
 ve problems I
 n health, educatI
 on etc (I
 ) be solved usI
 ng a conventI
 onal Approach but (I
 V) creatI
 ve and I
 ve solutI
 ons that can ensure radI
 cal change and (V). There are several factors I
 n I
 a's (VI
 ). Few countrI
 es have the rI
 ch dI
 ty that I
 a or I
 ts large, young populatI
 on (VI
 ). WhI
 le these (VI
 ) I
 on polI
 cy I
 ons certaI
 n addI
 onal steps are also requI
 red. These I
 nclude (I
 X) I
 nvestment I
 n research and development by (X) the government and the prI
 vate sector, easy transfer of technology from the academI
 c world etc. To fulfI
 ll I
 ts promI
 se of beI
 ng prosperous and to be at the forefront, I
 a must be I
MCQ-> Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate option.Mrs. Kapoor hovered around the patient in a display of great _______.
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MCQ-> In the following questions, you have two passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. Passage -1 The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the world’s most amazing landmarks. Rising high above the Sahara Desert in the Giza region of northern Egypt, the Great Pyramid stands some 450 feet into the burning desert sky and occupies of an area of 13 acres. The rough climate of the Sahara has actually caused the pyramid to shrink 30 feet from its original height. The pyramid was such an amazing feat of engineering, that it remained the tallest structure in the world for over 3,800 years The entire pyramid was originally faced with polished limestone to make it shine brilliantly in the sun.Most Egyptologists, scientists who study ancient Egypt, agree that the Great Pyramid was built around 2560 BC, a little more than 4,500 years ago. It took tens of thousands of workers twenty years to build. The pyramid contains over two million stone blocks. Although most of the blocks weigh two or three tons, some weigh up to 80 tons.The Great Pyramid of Giza was ordered built by the Pharaoh Khufu as a magnificent tomb. His vizier (advisor) Hemon is credited with being the pyramid’s architect. Khufu’s pyramid is actually part of a complex of pyramids that includes the Pyramid of Khafre, the smaller Pyramid of Menkaure, avariety of smaller pyramids and structures, and the Great Sphinx. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the last remaining of the Seven Wonders of the World.Which of these does not house the Great Pyramid ?
MCQ-> Read the following information and the accompanying graphs to answer the questions that follow. www.jay.com spent $ 5,57,000 during last 12 months for online display advertisements, also called impressions, on five websites (Website A, Website B, Website C, Website D and Website E). In this arrangement, www.jay.com is the Destination Site, and the five websites are referred to as the Ad Sites. The allocation of online display advertising expenditure is shown in Graph A. The online display advertisements helped www.jay.com to get visitors on its site. Online visitors, visiting the Ad Sites, are served display advertisements of www.jay.com and on clicking they land on the Destination Site (Graph B). Once on the Destination Site, some of the visitors complete the purchase process(Graph C) Quality traffic = $$\frac{\text{No. of site visitors who start purchase on destination site}}{\text{No. of visitors who click the online display advertisement}}$$ Leakage in online buying = 1 − $$\frac{\text {Complete buying on the destination website}}{\text{Start buying on the destination website}}$$Efficiency of online display advertising expenditure on an Ad Site = $$\frac{\text{No. of visitors from the Ad Site who complete the purchase process}}{\text{Amount spent on the Ad Site}}$$ Which of following Ad Sites provide facility of least cost per advertisement?
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