1. Why do the whales need blubber?

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MCQ-> Read the passage and choose the correct option to answer the questions. Passage:Whales are the largest animals the world has ever known. That perhaps is the origin of the idiom 'having a whale of time'. They are found in oceans and although they resemble huge fish, they really are mammals. One important way they differ from fish is their body temperature. They are warm blooded, so their temperature remains constant despite the surrounding climate. Extra protection is provided by the blubber, which keeps them wane even in the coldest water. Whales also differ from fish in their manner of breathing. Equipped with lungs instead of As, they are forced to hold their breath while under water. When a whale's supply of fresh air runs out, it must surface to breathe; otherwise it would drown. Another difference is the way they reproduce and rear their young ones. Babies are born alive and are initially nursed on their mother's milk. For Centuries humans have hunted whales for profitable reasons. Some laundry soaps contain whale oil. Whale meat is eaten in Norway and Japan.Why are whales considered as mammals?
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MCQ->1. High-powered outboard motors were considered to be one of the major threats to the survival of the Beluga whales.A. With these, hunters could approach Belugas within hunting range and profit from its inner skin and blubber.B. To escape an approaching motor, Belugas have learned to dive to the ocean bottom and stay there for up to 20 minutes, by which time the confused predator has left.C. Today, however, even with much more powerful engines, it is difficult to come close, because the whales seem to disappear suddenly just when you thought you had them in your sights.D. When the first outboard engines arrived in the early 1930s, one came across 4 and 8 HP motors.6. Belugas seem to have used their well-known sensitivity to noise to evolve an ‘avoidance' strategy to outsmart hunters and their powerful technologies.....
MCQ->Choose the set in which the statements are most logically related. A. No fishes breathe through lungs. B. All fishes have scales. C. Some fishes breed up stream. D. All whales breathe through lungs. E. No whales are fishes. F. All whales are mammals.....
MCQ->Why do the whales need blubber?....
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