1. A Box contains three different types of old coins in the ratio 7:6:8, the values of old coins are 1 rupee, 5 rupees and 10 rupees respectively. If the total value of the coins in the box is Rs.936, find the number of old coins values 5 rupees.

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  • By: anil on 05 May 2019 01.14 am
    Let number of 1 rupee, 5 rupees and 10 rupees respectively be $$7x,6x$$ and $$8x$$ Total amount = $$(1 imes7x)+(5 imes6x)+(10 imes8x)=936$$ => $$7x+30x+80x=936$$ => $$x=frac{936}{117}=8$$ $$ herefore$$ Number of 5 rupees coins = $$6 imes8=48$$ => Ans - (A)
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