1. Home keys are provided in the row of a typewriter.

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MCQ-> Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Eight persons — E, F, G, H, W, X, Y and Z — are sitting in two parallel rows containing four persons each. E. F, G and H are sitting in row-1 facing north and W. X, Y and Z are sitting in row-2 facing south (but not necessarily in the same order.) Thus, each person sitting in row – 1 faces another person sitting in row – 2, Each of the two rows consists of one Doctor, one Engineer, one Pilot and one Scientist (but not necessarily in the same order). • The Doctor of row-1 sits second to the right of H. X faces one of the immediate neighbours of H. Only one person sits between the X and the Scientist. • The one who faces the Scientist of row – 2 is an immediate neighbour of E. Only one person sits between E and the Pilot. • W sits second to the right of Z. Y does not face G. The Scientist of row-1 faces the Engineer of row – 2. • G faces one of the immediate neighbours of the Doctor of row-2. The Doctor of row-2 does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. Z is not a Doctor.Which of the following represents the people sitting at extreme ends of both the lines?
MCQ-> Study the following information carefully and answer the questions giver. below. Eight persons E, F, G, H, W X, Y and Z are sitting in two parallel rows containing four persons each in such a way that there is an equal distance between adjacent persons. E, F, G and H are sitting in row-1 facing north and W, X, Y and Z are sitting in row-2 facing south. (but not necessarily in the same order.) Thus, each person sitting in row-1 faces another persons sitting in row-2 Each of the two rows consists of the one Professor, one Leader, one Technician and one Doctor (but not necessarily in the same order). • The Doctor of row-1 sits second to the right of H. E is an immediate neighbour of H. E faces the Leader of row-2. • X sits to the immediate right of the Leader. X faces one of the immediate neighbours of the Professor of row-1. The Professor of row-1 does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line. • W sits second to the left of Y. Z does not face G. F faces the Professor of row-2. In both the rows, onlye one person sits between the Professor and the Technician. W is not a Doctor.Which of the following represent both the immediate neighbours of W ?
MCQ-> Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives By the mid-nineteenth century, mass production of paper patterns, the emergence of the home sewing machine, and the convenience of mail order catalogues brought fashionable clothing into the American home. By the early twentieth century, home economists working in extension and outreach programs taught women how to use paper patterns to improve the fit and efficiency to new garments as well as how to update existing ones.Teachers of home economics traditionally made home sewing a critical part of their curriculum, emphasizing self-sufficiency and resource fulness for young women. However, with the increasing availability of mass-produced clothing in catalogues and department stores, more and more women preferred buying garments to making them. As a result, home economists shifted their attention to consumer education.Through field study’s analysis and research, they became experts on the purchase and preservation of ready-to-wear clothing for the family, offering budgeting instruction targeted at adolescent girls. Modern home sewing made it possible for American women to transcend their economic differences and geographic locations with clothing that was increasingly standardized. The democratization of fashion continued through the twentieth century as the ready-to-wear market expanded and home sewing became more of a pastime than a necessity.What were the skills that were emphasized for young women ?
MCQ-> Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:A word and number arrangement machine when give an input line of words and number rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. Input: by now 25 72 sight 37 15 home Step I : sight by now 25 72 37 15 home Step II : sight 15 by now 25 72 37 home Step III : sight 15 now by 25 72 37 home Step IV : sight 15 now 25 by 72 37 home Step V : sight 15 now 25 home by 72 37 Step IV : sight 15 now 25 home 37 by 72 And Step Vi is the last step of the rearrangement.As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the given inputInput: ask for me 49 32 64 and 24 Which of the following will be Step III ?....
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