1. Search for something

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MCQ-> Read Ito’ following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering sonic of the questions. Once upon a time. there was a shrewd shopkeeper called Makitrand. He had a friend called Mihir, who had saved a lot of money. Mihir was keen on going on a pilgrimage. But he did not know where to leave his precious savings. So he came to Makarand’s shop and said, ‘my friend, I trust you more than anyone. Could you please look after my life’s savings till i return from my pilgrimage Makarand pretended to be deep in thought, and then said, ‘1 would rather not. Money spoils relationships. What if something hap • pens to your money while you are away ? You will no longer be my friend.’ As Mihir stood there by his shop thinking about what his friend had just said, an old woman entered the shup and bought some things. One of the boys helping Makarand, gave her less change than he should have. Makaranc saw this and pretended to scold the boy, he then ordered him to return the remaining money to the woman. Mihir not knowing that this was an act put up by Makarand to make him believe that he was honest, was convinced about his decision and said to Makarand, ‘I have decided. I will leave the money only with you.’ Makarand smiled. Then let us do something. Let’s take the bag of coins and bury it in a place that only you and I will know of. That way, even if something happens to me while you are away, you will know where your money is: Mihir, simple that he was. thought this was a good idea and the two went and hid the bag in a secret place. Mihir left the next day on his pilgrimage. happy his savings Were in safe hands. Six months later, Mihir returned. He dumped his luggage at home and went to dig out his bag of savings. But even though he searched and searched for his valuables, there was no sign of the bag anywhere. In panic, he ran in Makarand, who was busy in his shop. When Mihir asked him about the bitg, Makarand pretended to be surprised. ‘But I did not go that way in all these months. Why don’t you search for it again ?’ he said, putting on his most innocent look. Mihir had no choice but to believe him. Sadly, he went home. On the way, as luck would have it, he met the old woman he had seen in Makarand’s shop. Seeing him sad. she asked him what the matter was. Mihir told her the whole story, Then she smiled and whispered a plan to him. Not long after, the woman came to Makarand’s shop, carrying a big box. ‘Brother, I heard you are a good and honest man. My son went on a pilgrimage many months ago and has still not returned. 1 am worried and have decided to go and loo for him. Will you look after my box of two hundred gold coins while I am away ?Makarand could not believe his luck. He was about to launch into his idea about- hiding the box, when an angry Mihir entered the shop, ‘Where is but before he could complete his sentence, Makarand, afraid of being accused in front of the old woman, said quickly, ‘I forgot. I had seen some pigs digging around there and had removed the bag just to keep it safe. Here it is.’ And he handed Mihir the bag he had stolen many months ago. Now the old woman pretended she was seeing Mihir for the first time, Son, did you also go on a pilgrimage? Could you tell me if you met my son anywhere? His name is Jahangir.’ Mihir, clutching onto his precious bag, said, ‘Yes, Auntie, I met him on the road a few villages away. He was on his way home. He should be here in a week.’ The old woman leaned over and took her box away from Makarand. Thank you. Brother, you have saved me an unnecessary trip. Now, I will need some money to prepare for my son’s welcome,’ she added and the two left the shop. Makarand could only stare at them Open-mouthed,What incident in the passage convinced Mihir that Makarand was indeed an honest man? (A) The incident where he scolded his helper boy for returning less change to the old woman who was a customer in his shop. (B) The fact that Makarand refused to keep Mihir’s money, in the event that it might destroy their friendship. (C) The incident where Makarand told Mihir that he had kept his hag with him as he saw pigs digging at the very spot where the treasure was buried....
MCQ-> A majority of Indians prefer to use internet for accessing banking and other financial services than shopping online, show a new survey. Almost 57% of Indians respondents using the internet prefer to bank online and use other financial services due to hassle-free access and time saving feature of online banking according to the survey.Checking the information on products and services online comes a close second at 53% while 50% shop for products online. The fourth on the list-around 42% of respondents in India surfed online to look for jobs, the survey said.Online banking has made things much easier for the people and it saves a lot of time.It has eliminated the problems associated with traditional way of banking where one has to stand in a queue and fill up several forms. Most of the banks in India have introduced customer - friendly online banking facility with advanced security features to protect customers against cybe rcrime.The easy registration process for net banking has improved customer’ access to several banking products increased customer loyalty, facilitated money transfer to any bank across India and has helped banks-attract new customers. The Indian results closely track the global trends as well conducted among 19216 people from 24 countries, the survey showed that banking and keeping track of finances and searching for jobs are the main tasks of internet users around the globe.Overall, 60% of people surveyed used the web to check their bank account and other financial assets in the past 90 days, making it the most popular use of the internet globality, shopping was not too far behind at 48%, the survey showed and 41% went online in search of a job in terms of country preferences, almost 90% of respondents in Sweden use e-banking.Online banking has also caught on in a big way in nations like France, Canada, Australia, Poland, South Africa and Belgium, the survey showed. The Germans and British come on top for using online shopping with 74% of respondents in both countries having bought something online in the past three months. They are followed by 68% respondents in Sweden. 65% in US and 62% in South Korea.If the given sentences were to be arranged in their order of their popularity(from most popular to least popular ), which one of the following would represent the correct sequences as given in the passage ? A: Use internet to gain information about products and services. B: Use internet to search for jobs C: Use internet for online banking...
MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. A majority of Indians prefer to use the internet for accessing banking and other financial services than shopping online, shows a new survey. Almost 57 percent of Indian respondents using the Internet prefer to bank online and use other financial services due to hassle-free access and time saving feature of online banking, according to survey. Checking information on products and services online come a close second at 53% while 50% shop for product online. The fourth on the list around 42 percent of respondents in India surfed online to look for jobs, the survey said. Online banking has made things much easier for the people and it saves a lot of time. It has eliminated the problems associated with traditional way of banking where one had to stand in a queue and fill up several forms. Most of the banks in India have introduced cal stor mer – friendly online banking tactility with advanced security lea – tures to protect customers against cvbercrime.The easy registration process for net banking has improved customer’s access to several banking products, increased customer loyalty, facilitated money transfer to any bank across India and has helped banks attract new customers. The Indian results closely track the global trend as well. Conducted among 19216 people from 24 countries, the survey showed that banking and keeping track of finances and searching for jobs are the main tasks of internet users around the globe. Overall 60 percent of people surveyed used the web to check their bank account and other financial assets in the past 90 days, making it most popular use of internet. Globally shopping was not too far behind at 48 percent, the survey showed and 41 percent went online in search of a job. In terms of country preferences, almost 90% of respondents in Sweden use e-banking. Online banking has also caught on in a big way in nations like France, Canada, Australia, Poland, South Africa and Belgium, the survey showed. The Germans and British come on top for using online shopping with 74% of respondents in both countries having bought something online in the past three months. They are followed by 68% of respondents in Sweden, 65%in the US and 62% in South Korea.If the given sentences were to be arranged in the order of their popularity (from most popular to least popular), which one of the following would represent the correct sequence as given in the passage in context of India ? (A) Use of internet to gain information about products and services. (B) Use of internet to Search for jobs. (C) Use of internet for online banking...
MCQ-> Please read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:Rene Descartes’ assertion that ideas may be held true with certainty if they are “clear and distinct” provides the context for Peirce’s title, “How to Make Our Ideas Clear.” Peirce argued that an idea may seem clear if it is familiar. Distinctness depends on having good definitions, and while definitions are desirable they do not yield any new knowledge or certainty of the truth of empirical propositions. Peirce argues that thought needs more than a sense of clarity; it also needs a method for making ideas clear. Once we have made an idea clear, then we can begin the task of determining its truth. The method that Peirce offers came to be known as the pragmatic method and the epistemology on which it depends is pragmatism. Peirce rejected Descartes’ method of doubt. We cannot doubt something, for the sake of method, that we do not doubt in fact. In a later essay, he would state as his rule “Dismiss make-believes.” This refers to Descartes’ method of doubting things, in the safety of his study, such things as the existence of the material world, which he did not doubt when he went out on the street. Peirce proposed that a philosophical investigation can begin from only one state of mind, namely, the state of mind in which we find ourselves when we begin. If any of us examines our state of mind, we find two kinds of thoughts: beliefs and doubts. Peirce had presented the interaction of doubt and belief in an earlier essay “The Fixation of Belief”.Beliefs and doubts are distinct. Beliefs consist of states of mind in which we would make a statement; doubts are states in which we would ask a question. We experience a doubt as a sense of uneasiness and hesitation. Doubt serves as an irritant that causes us to appease it by answering a question and thereby fixing a belief and putting the mind to rest on that issue. A common example of a doubt would be arriving in an unfamiliar city and not being sure of the location of our destination address in relation to our present location. We overcome this doubt and fix a belief by getting the directions. Once we achieve a belief, we can take the necessary action to reach our destination. Peirce defines a belief subjectively as something of which we are aware and which appeases the doubt. Objectively, a belief is a rule of action. The whole purpose of thought consists in overcoming a doubt and attaining a belief. Peirce acknowledges that some people like to think about things or argue about them without caring to find a true belief, but he asserts that such dilettantism does not constitute thought. The beliefs that we hold determine how we will act. If we believe, rightly or wrongly, that the building that we are trying to reach sits one block to our north, we will walk in that direction. We have beliefs about matters of fact, near and far. For example, we believe in the real objects in front of us and we believe generally accepted historical statements. We also believe in relations of ideas such as that seven and five equal twelve. In addition to these we have many beliefs about science, politics, economics, religion and so on. Some of our beliefs may be false since we are capable of error. To believe something means to think that it is true.According to Peirce, for a particular thought, which of the following statements will be correct?
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