*Police Training Academy
Ans: Ramavarmapuram(Thrissur)
*Kerala Police Museum 
Ans: Kollam
*Kerala Police Training College 
Ans: Thiruvananthapuram
*The Kerala Police University in the model of National Defence College
* Kerala State Forensic Science Laboratory
Ans: Thiruvananthapuram
* Father of Travancore Police 
Ans: Oliver. M. Bensely
* The Diwan who started a separate police department
Ans: Ummini Thampi
* Earlier name of Police force in Travancore 
Ans: Kaaval
* Father of Modern Police in Kerala 
Ans: Robert Peel
*A separate police wing in Kerala was started in
Ans: 1956
*The Headquarters of Kerala Police
Ans: Thiruvananthapuram
*The motto of Kerala Police
Ans: Soft in Temperament ,Firm in Action
*The chief of the Kerala Police
Ans: DGP (State Pol..................
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