*The council of scholars in Madurai 
Ans : Sangam
*The civilization which spread over the South India between 4th century BC to 2nd century AD
Ans : Sangam
*Major language of Sangam Age 
Ans : Tamil
*The book on Tamil Grammar 
Ans : Tholkappiyam
*Earliest extant work of Tamil literature and linguistics
Ans : Tholkappiyam
*The meaning of the word Sangam 
Ans : Group / College
*The Chera and Chola were known as 
Ans : Moovendans
*The queen of Sangam age was called as 
Ans : Perumthevi
*The ancient tamil book in which describes the history of Kerala politics 
Ans : Pathitrupathu
*Tamil Bible - Thirukkural 
*Tamil Odyssey - Manimekhalai 
*Southern Veda - Thirukkural 
*Tamil Iliad - chilappathikaram
*The landscapes were physiographically divided into five and called as
Ans : Thinais
*Five Thinai..................
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