SSCCHSL16Jan2017MorningShift Related Question Answers

76. $$\sqrt{[\frac{(1 - sinA)}{(1 + sinA)}}]$$ is equal to?

77. What is the value of $$\frac{(4a^{2} + 8b + 14c + 2)}{2}$$ ?

78. Coefficient of $$x^{2}$$ in (x + 9)(6 - 4x) is

79. If the number 247_679 is completely divisible by 9, then the smallest whole number in the place of the blank digit will be

80. What are the 2 consecutive even natural numbers, sum of whose squares is 52?

81. What is the value of $$cot\frac{5\pi}{3}$$ ?

82. If sin3A = x, then value of x is

83. If 7x + 6y = 5xy and 10x - 4y = 4xy, then value of x and y is

84. If the selling price is Rs 728 after getting a discount of 9%, what was the marked price?

85. The cross-section of a canal is in the shape of an isosceles trapezium which is 3 m wide at the bottom and 5 m wide at the top. If the depth of the canal is 2 m and it is 110 m long, what is the maximum capacity of this canal? (Take π = 22/7)

86. Two numbers are 30% and 37% lesser than a third number. By how much percent is the second number to be enhanced to make it equal to the first number?

87. Two cars travel from city A to city B at a speed of 24 and 32 km/hr respectively. If one car takes 2.5 hours lesser time than the other car for the journey, then the distance between City A and City B is

88. The ratio of present ages of Rangana and Sayed is 7:5. After 11 years the ratio of their ages will be 4:3. What is Rangana's present age?

89. A factory buys 10 machines. 2 Machine-A, 3 Machine-B and rest Machine-C. Prices of the machines are Rs 95000, Rs 60000 and Rs 50000 respectively. What is the average cost of these machines?

90. A line cuts the x-axis at the point (-3,0) and the y-axis at the point (0,6). What is the equation of the line?

91. The point Q(a,b) is first reflected in y-axis to Q1 and Q1 is reflected in x-axis to (-6,2). The co-ordinates of point Q are

92. Refer the below data table and answer the following Question.What is the ratio of boys to girls?

93. Refer the below data table and answer the following Question.How many students have scored marks 20 or more but less than 40?

94. Refer the below data table and answer the following Question.If the GDP of the country was $3 trillion at the end of 2011, what was it at the beginning of 2013?

95. Refer the below data table and answer the following Question.Five points are to be deducted from the students average of marks scored because of poor attendance. What will be the students net average marks scored?

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