1. Two cars travel from city A to city B at a speed of 24 and 32 km/hr respectively. If one car takes 2.5 hours lesser time than the other car for the journey, then the distance between City A and City B is

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  • By: anil on 05 May 2019 02.16 am
    Let the distance between City A and City B = $$d$$ km Speed of first car = 24 km/hr and speed of second car = 32 km/hr Let time taken by first car = $$t$$ hrs and time taken by second car = $$(t - 2.5)$$ hrs Using, speed = distance/time for first car : => $$frac{d}{t} = 24$$ => $$d = 24t$$ --------------(i) For second car, => $$frac{d}{t - 2.5} = 32$$ Substituting value of $$d$$ from equation (i), we get : => $$24t = 32t - 80$$ => $$32t - 24t = 8t = 80$$ => $$t = frac{80}{8} = 10$$ hrs From equation (i), => $$d = 24 imes 10 = 240$$ km => Ans - (C)
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