812015 Related Question Answers

51. Heparin belongs to FDA category :

52. Spinnelli’s operation is done in :

53. Molluscum contagiosum is caused by :

54. Ecthyma gangrenosum is the cutaneous manifestationof septicaemia due to :

55. Dimple sign is seen in :

56. Koebner phenomenon is seen in all of these diseases except:

57. Sistrunk’s operation is done for :

58. About Pheochromocytoma all the following statements are true except:

59. The Thyroiditis which mimic carcinoma thyroid is :

60. Which of the following statements regarding gastric ulcer is incorrect?

61. Most common complication of colie’s fracture :

62. Holstein Levis syndrome is associated with :

63. Pavlik Harness is used in the treatment of:

64. “Fallen fragment sign” seen in :

65. In a PTB (Patellar Tendon Bearing) socket, all of the following are pressure tolerant areasexcept:

66. In a middle aged man with Achilles Enthesitis the following footwear modification may bemost useful:

67. A 60 year old man presented with numbness which radiated from his right thigh to the ball of his toe. He noticed pain within 20 minutes of standing which was relieved with sitting. He has a history of Adult onset diabetes mellitus which is well controlled.- Physical examination revealed brisk tendon reflexes, normal vitals, down going plantar responses, no muscle atrophy and he was able to walk on his toes and heel. Strength was normal except for right toe raises. His NCVs revealed normal sensory latencies, right tibial CMAP was 40% lower than left, right paraspinals EMG revealed mild abnormality, his right H reflex was 3 ms slower than the left, the most appropriate diagnosis would be :

68. A 26 year old young man presented to your rehab unit 3 weeks after traumatic brain injury, he had 2 episodes of seizures following the trauma, he was on tracheostomy, Foleys catheter and Ryles tube. He has generalized response to pain and occasional eye opening only, his MRI brain revealed features of Diffuse Axonal injury and resolving SAIL What would be the most appropriate rehab measures for this young man, in addition to general supportive care, basic ROM exercises and tilting?

69. ‘World cancer day’ is on :

70. Which of the following malignancy is mostly associated with Human Papilloma virus and can be prevented by vaccine?

71. All of the following statements are correct regarding the mechanism of radiation cell kill, except:

72. Radionuclide used to treat thyroid cancer is :

73. All of the following are devices for oxygen therapy except:

74. Spot the incorrect one regarding latest recommendations in CPCR :

75. Which one of the following is not a supraglottic airwaydevice?

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