1. The colour used for neutral wire in supply system is:

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MCQ->The colour used for neutral wire in supply system is:....
MCQ->The colour used for neutral wire in supply system is :....
MCQ-> A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it. In general it is better to use too little make-up than too much. The audience should not be aware that the actor's face is painted. For the actor who is playing his own age, the artist uses make-up to strengthen the features, particularly eyes and mouth, and to add lifelike colour to the face. Character make-up does these things in addition to transforming the face to another age, another type or another race. This transformation, particularly for young actors playing old characters, can be helped greatly by hats and hairdos. Make-up consists of applying a base colour, then modelling the face by highlighting and shadowing (sinking the cheeks, for example, with a darker colour). Sometimes, modelling is done by applying false (putty or plastic) noses, enlarged eyebrows, or scars. Lines to suggest wrinkles are drawn on with a dark make-up pencil (brown or maroon, not black) or brush. Each line is highlighted with another line, either white or a light tint of the base colour. Lips are outlined and coloured, and a similar colour is applied to the cheeks. After make-up is complete, powder is applied.The artist uses make-up to strengthen the features, particularly eyes and mouth, and to add life like colours to the face for the actor who is playing _____ .
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