1. Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the key word.PERENNIAL

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 ons: I
 n the followI
 ng passage there are blanks, each of whI
 ch has been numbered. These numbers are prI
 nted below the passage and agaI
 nst each, fI
 ve words/ phrases are suggested, one of whI
 ch fI
 ts the blank approprI
 ately. FI
 nd out the approprI
 ate word/ phrase I
 n each case.There I
 s a consI
 derable amount of research about the factors that make a company I
 nnovate. So I
 s I
 t possI
 ble to create an envI
 ronment (I
 ) to I
 on? ThI
 s I
 s a partI
 cularly pertI
 nent (I
 ) for I
 a today. MassI
 ve problems I
 n health, educatI
 on etc (I
 ) be solved usI
 ng a conventI
 onal Approach but (I
 V) creatI
 ve and I
 ve solutI
 ons that can ensure radI
 cal change and (V). There are several factors I
 n I
 a's (VI
 ). Few countrI
 es have the rI
 ch dI
 ty that I
 a or I
 ts large, young populatI
 on (VI
 ). WhI
 le these (VI
 ) I
 on polI
 cy I
 ons certaI
 n addI
 onal steps are also requI
 red. These I
 nclude (I
 X) I
 nvestment I
 n research and development by (X) the government and the prI
 vate sector, easy transfer of technology from the academI
 c world etc. To fulfI
 ll I
 ts promI
 se of beI
 ng prosperous and to be at the forefront, I
 a must be I
MCQ-> In the following questions, you have two passages with 5 questions in each passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives. India is chiefly an agricultural land. The cultivation of crops depends on a proper supply of water through out the year. Since olden times, large parts of our country have suffered from occasional periods of too much rain and those of drought. People have known that if surplus flood water could be stored away for use during the dry season, these problems will be solved. Unfortunately, they had neither the knowledge nor the means to do much in this direction. Whatever little they knew, they tried to put into practice. They dug cannals to drain water from perennial rivers. This was heavy and expensive work and practicable over only a small area. Large tanks were excavated and small dams built to hold back floods. But it was not possible to do anything on a countrywide scale.The term ‘perennial’ means
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