1. Which statement is true about flavouring materials spices, garlic etc. added to Dill pickles?

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MCQ->In this question, a passage is given followed by a statement. Read the passage carefully and judge the statement based on the given passage. The strong olfactory sense elephants ar e known for has come as a blessing in disguise for the police in curbing illicit liquor trade in Uttarakhand’s Udham SinghNagar district. The animals find lahan, the substance used for brewing liquor, hidden in forests of Khatima in the district, and destroy them. Manufacturers brew it near nullahsdeep inside the forests or near the villages to avoid police raids as flowing water is required for fermentation. Lahan is sealed in barrels or polythene bags and buried for four to five days for fermentation. Elephants reach the spot by smelling the substance and destroy the barrels to consume the liquor, said Yogesh Upadhaya, inspector, Khatima police station. He said some traders keep the barrels on scaffoldings on trees but they are easily spotted by the police. “We have destroyed thousand litres of lahan in the past 23 months. They were stored in barrels on scaffoldings,” said Yogesh Upadhyay, inspector. “Miscreants place barrels of lahan on trees to keep them away from elephants. Elephants find them and destroy the barrels to consume the substance, causing heavy loss to the manufacturers,” he added. A villager, said: “The liquor is sold for Rs 80 to 100 per litre in villages. Since it is cheaper than liquor available in the market, people buy it even after knowing its impact on health. Elephants are playing vital role in curbing the trade.” Statement: Police officially use elephants to stop illicit liquor trade.Choose the appropriate one from the following options A The statement is definitely true. B The statement is probably true. C The statement cannot be determ ined. D The statement is definitely false.....
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