1. Macrophages found in the liveMacrophages found in the liver:

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MCQ-> In the following questions, you have a brief passage with 5 questions following carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives.PASSAGE Fat comes in two types; Omega-3 which is found in marine life and Omega-6 which is concentrated in vegetable oils. The first is good, the other ios plain rotten. The best source of Omega-3 is preferably sea-fish. But frying it in Omega-6 rich vegetable oil kills all its goodness.Ageing brains have low levels of thiamin, which is concentrated in wheat germ and bran, nuts, meat and cereals. More good brain-food comes from liver, milk and almonds, which are rich in riboflavin and extremely good for memory. Carotene, available in deep green leafy vegetables and fruits, is also good for geriatric brains. So is a high iron diet; it can make old brains gallop hyperactively like young ones. Iron comes from greens; liver, shellfish, red meat and soybeans. Seafood, very high in iron, is an excellent diet supplement. The New England Journal of Medicine reported in its May 1985 issue that 30 grams of fish a day could result in a dramatic drop in the chances of acquiring a cardiovascular disease. Sea fish, particularly shellfish, crabs, mackerel and sardines, are more effective than riverine fish because the latter is more vulnerable to chemical effluents.30 grams of fish a day could result in:
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