1. The government aims-------rehabilitating the affected victims in the calamity

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MCQ->The government aims-------rehabilitating the affected victims in the calamity....
MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you answer some of the questions.At the heart of what makes India a better regime than China is a healthy respect for the civil rights and liberties of its citizens. There are checks and balances in our government. But India’s new surveillance programme, the Central Monitoring system (CMS), resembles a dystopian society akin to George Orwell’s 1984.According to several news reports, the CMS gives the government, Indian security agencies and income tax (IT) officials the authority to listen to, and tape phone conversions, read emails and text messages, monitor Posts on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin and track searches on Google of selected targets, without oversight by the courts or parliament. To call it sweeping is an understatement.Typically, Indian Security agencies need a court order for surveillance, or depend on Internet/telephone service providers for data, provided they supply a warrant. CMS allows the government to bypass the court.  Milind Deora, India’s Minister of State for Information Technology says the new system will actually improve citizens’ privacy because telecommunication agencies would no longer be directly involved in the surveillance; only government officials would have these details – missing the point that in a democracy, there has to be freedom from government surveillance. This is hardly comforting in a nation riddled with governmental corruption.India does not have a privacy law. CMS will operate under the Indian Telegraph Act (ITA). The ITA is a relic of the British Raj from 1885, and gives the government the freedom to monitor private conversations. News reports quote anonymous telecommunications ministry officials as saying that CMS has been introduced for security purposes, and “this is to protect you and your country”.That is irrational. For one, there are no ‘security purposes’ that prevent the government from having a rational debate on this programme and getting approval from our elected representatives before authorizing such wide-reaching surveillance. If the government is worried that a public debate in a paralysed parliament would half the programme’s progress, then it can convene a committee of individuals or an individual body such as CAG to oversee the programme. It can seek judicial approval from the Supreme Court, and have a judge sign off on surveillance requests without making these requests public.As of now, the top bureaucrat in the interior ministry and his/her state level deputies will have the power to approve surveillance requests. Even the recently revealed US surveillance Programme, had ‘behind the doors’ bipartisan surveillance approval. Furthermore, US investigation agencies such as the CIA and NSA are not the ruling party’s marionettes; in India, that the CBI is an arm of the government is a fait accompli. Even the Supreme Court recently lambasted the CBI and asked it to guarantee its independence from government influences after it was proved that it shared unreleased investigation reports with the government.There is no guarantee that this top bureaucrat will be judicious or not use this as a tool to pursue political and personal vendettas against opposition parties or open critics of the government. Security purposes hardly justify monitoring an individual’s social media usage. No terrorist announces plans to bomb a building on Facebook. Neither do Maoists espouse Twitter as their preferred form of communication.Presumably, security purposes could be defined as the government’s need to intercept terrorist plans. How does giving the IT department the same sweeping surveillance powers justify security purposes? The IT office already has expansive powers to conduct investigations, summon individuals or company executives, and raid premises to catch tax evaders. In a world where most financial details are discussed and transferred online, allowing the IT departments to snoop on these without any reasonable cause is akin to airport authorities strip searching everyone who boards a flight.What happened on 26/11 or what happens regularly in Naxal – affected areas is extremely sad and should ideally, never take place again. But targeting terrorists means targeting people who show such inclinations, or those who arouse suspicions, either by their travels or heir associations with militant or extremist groups. And in a country where a teenager has been arrested for posting an innocent comment questioning the need for a bandh on the death of a political leader, gives us reason to believe that this law is most likely to be misused, if not abused. Select the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word printed in bold, as used in the passage. AKIN....
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MCQ-> Read the following passage to answer the given question Some words have been printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. We tend to be harsh on our bureaucracy,but nowhere do citizens enjoy dealing with their government. They do it because they have to. But that doesn’t mean that the experience has to be dismal. Now there is a new wind blowing through government departments around the world, which could takes some of the pain away. In the next five years it may well transform not only the way public services are delivered but also the fundamental relationship between government and citizens. Not surprisingly, it is the Internet that is behind it. After e-commerce and e-business the next revolution may be e-governance. Examples abound. The municipality of Phoenix, Arizona, allows its citizens to renew their car registrations, pay traffic fines, replace lost identity cards etc. online without having to stand in endless queues in a grubby municipal office. The municipality is happy because it saves $5 a transaction it costs only $1.60 to do it across the counter. In Chile people routinely submit their income tax returns over the Internet Which has increased transparency, drastically reduced the time taken and the number of errors and litigation with the tax department. Both taxpayers and the revenue department are happier. The furthest ahead not surprisingly is the small, rich and entrepreneurial civil service of singapore which allows citizens to do more functions online than any other As in many private companies the purchasing and buying of Singapore’s government departments is now on the Web and cost benefits come through more competitive bidding easy access to global suppliers and time saved by online processing of orders. They can post their catalogues on their sites, bid for contracts submit in voices and check their payments status over the Net. The most useful idea for Indians municipalities is Gov Works a private sector site that collects local taxes fines and utility bills for 3,600 municipalities across the United States. It is citizen's site which provides information on government jobs, tenders, etc .The most ambitious is the British government, which has targeted to convert 100 per cent of its transactions with its citizens to the Internet by 2005. Cynics in India will say, 'Oh, e-government will never work in India. We are so poor and we dont have computers but they are wrong. There are many experiments afoot in India as well Citizens in Andhra Pradesh can download government forms and applications on the net without having bribe clerks.In many district land records are online and this had created transparency Similary, in Dhar district to Madhya Pradesh villagers have begun to file applications for land transfers and follow their progress on the net. In seventy village in the Kolhapur and Sangli districts in Maharashtra Internet booths have come up where farmers daily check the markets rates of agricultural commodities in Marathi along with data on agriculture schemes information on crop technology. When to spray and plant the crops and buds and railway timetables. They also find vocational guidance on jobs, applications for ration cards kerosene/gas burners and land records extracts with details of landownership. Sam pitroda’s World Tel, Reliance Industries and the Tamil Nadu government are jointly laying 3,000 km of optic fibre cables to create a, Tamil Network which will offers ration cards schools college and hospital admission forms land records and pension records. If successful World Tel will expand the network to Gujarat, Karnataka and West Bengal. In kerala all the villages are getting linked online to the district headquarters allowing citizens to compare the development properties of their village with other villagers in the state. Many are still skeptical of the real impact because so few Indians have computers. The answer lies in interactive cable T.V and in Internet kiosks, Although India has only five million computers and thirty-eight million telephones it has thirty four million homes with cable TV and these are growing eight percent a year By 2005 most cable homes will have access to the Internet from many of the 700,000 local STD/PCO booths. Internet usage may be low today, but it is bound to grow rapidly in the future, and e-government in India may not be a dream.According to the passage which country has the most ambitious plan for e-governance ?
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