1. Criticism of other religion ______ hatred and violence among Indians ?

Answer: fan the flame of


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MCQ-> In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives. Feminism refers to a broad range of ideas, Approaches, and ______ directed towards
  advocating for ______ equality for ______. Feminism is a movement that seek to achieve equality and social rights for women in all key areas which includes education, personal, economic, employment, and cultural sphere of human endeavours. Activists of the feminist movements have used social and political theories to ______ for women's rights and freedom where sexuality and gender-based political thinking have created ______ for the womenfolk in the society. The feminist movements have also campaigned for the ______ of the girl-child and women from sexual harassment, rape and violence within the home. The campaigns and the activities of feminist activists over several centuries have greatly improved lots of women in several areas and in several societies. Feminist activists have successfully used campaigns for the rights of women to secure a broad range of ______ such as the right to vote and be voted for, the right to own property, the rights to equal pay or fair wages, the right to ______ public office, the right to enter legal contracts, and the right to have ______ leave and equal rights within marriage. Though feminist movements have achieved a lot for the womenfolk yet some categories of feminism continued to be criticized for being ______ and class-specific.Approaches, and ______ directed towards
MCQ-> Following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.India is a very ______ country known for its cultural heritage,
  traditions, civilization, religion and geographical features from the ______ time. On the other hand, it is also popular as a ______ chauvinistic nation. Today, women in India are given first priority however it was not the same always. They were ______ treated in the family and society. They were limited only to the household ______ or to fulfill the responsibilities of home and family members. They were kept totally unaware of their rights and own development. People of India used to call this country as "Bharat-Mata" however never realized the true meaning of it. Bharat-Mata means a ______ of every Indian whom we have to ______ and care for always. Women constitute ______ power of the country so in order to make this ______ a fully powerful country, women empowerment is very ______.India is a very ______ country known for its cultural heritage,
MCQ-> Our propensity to look out for regularities, and to impose laws upon nature, leads to the psychological phenomenon of dogmatic thinking or, more generally, dogmatic behaviour: we expect regularities everywhere and attempt to find them even where there are none; events which do not yield to these attempts we are inclined to treat as a kind of `background noise’; and we stick to our expectations even when they are inadequate and we ought to accept defeat. This dogmatism is to some extent necessary. It is demanded by a situation which can only be dealt with by forcing our conjectures upon the world. Moreover, this dogmatism allows us to approach a good theory in stages, by way of approximations: if we accept defeat too easily, we may prevent ourselves from finding that we were very nearly right.It is clear that this dogmatic attitude; which makes us stick to our first impressions, is indicative of a strong belief; while a critical attitude, which is ready to modify its tenets, which admits doubt and demands tests, is indicative of a weaker belief. Now according to Hume’s theory, and to the popular theory, the strength of a belief should be a product of repetition; thus it should always grow with experience, and always be greater in less primitive persons. But dogmatic thinking, an uncontrolled wish to impose regularities, a manifest pleasure in rites and in repetition as such, is characteristic of primitives and children; and increasing experience and maturity sometimes create an attitude of caution and criticism rather than of dogmatism.My logical criticism of Hume’s psychological theory, and the considerations connected with it, may seem a little removed from the field of the philosophy of science. But the distinction between dogmatic and critical thinking, or the dogmatic and the critical attitude, brings us right back to our central problem. For the dogmatic attitude is clearly related to the tendency to verify our laws and schemata by seeking to apply them and to confirm them, even to the point of neglecting refutations, whereas the critical attitude is one of readiness to change them - to test them; to refute them; to falsify them, if possible. This suggests that we may identify the critical attitude with the scientific attitude, and the dogmatic attitude with the one which we have described as pseudo-scientific. It further suggests that genetically speaking the pseudo-scientific attitude is more primitive than, and prior to, the scientific attitude: that it is a pre-scientific attitude. And this primitivity or priority also has its logical aspect. For the critical attitude is not so much opposed to the dogmatic attitude as super-imposed upon it: criticism must be directed against existing and influential beliefs in need of critical revision – in other words, dogmatic beliefs. A critical attitude needs for its raw material, as it were, theories or beliefs which are held more or less dogmatically.Thus, science must begin with myths, and with the criticism of myths; neither with the collection of observations, nor with the invention of experiments, but with the critical discussion of myths, and of magical techniques and practices. The scientific tradition is distinguished from the pre-scientific tradition in having two layers. Like the latter, it passes on its theories; but it also passes on a critical attitude towards them. The theories are passed on, not as dogmas, but rather with the challenge to discuss them and improve upon them.The critical attitude, the tradition of free discussion of theories with the aim of discovering their weak spots so that they may be improved upon, is the attitude of reasonableness, of rationality. From the point of view here developed, all laws, all theories, remain essentially tentative, or conjectural, or hypothetical, even when we feel unable to doubt them any longer. Before a theory has been refuted we can never know in what way it may have to be modified.In the context of science, according to the passage, the interaction of dogmatic beliefs and critical attitude can be best described as:
MCQ-> In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.Home is The first place of education and parents are ______
  teacher in everyone’s life. In our childhood, we get first impression of education from our home especially form our mother. Our parents let us know the importance of ______ education in the life. When we become three or four years old, we sent to the school for the proper, regular and ______ study where we have to give many exams and then we get a pass certificate for one class. Slowly we ______ ahead by passing our one by one class until we get passed successfully till 12th standard. Then start preparations for getting admission to the technical or professional degree which is called as ______ study. Higher study is very necessary for all to get good and ______ job in the life. We become a well educated person in the life by the efforts of our parents and teachers. They are real well wishers of us who helps us in ______ our life towards success. Now-a-days, many governmental programmes have been implemented to ______ the education system so that everyone may get ______ to the proper education. Lots of advertisements are shown on the TV and news to make people aware of the advantages and importance of education especially in the rural areas as people in ______ or rural areas do not want to study because of poorness and improper understating towards the education.The first place of education and parents are ______
MCQ-> In the following passage some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.Rice and wheat ______ much carbohydrate
  which is quite ______ for energy. But more of rice and wheat and ______ of vegetables and fruit is not a balanced diet. Vegetables and fruit contain nutrients like vitamins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, folic acid, iodine, magnesium, zinc etc. Green leafy vegetables contain a lot of nutrients, especially calcium and iron. We ______ take one type of green leafy vegetable every day. Spinach is quite good for health. The cereals such as Bengal-gram, beans, black-gram, horse-gram, maize, millet, raga, red- gram etc., contain ______ protein which is essential for our ______. Iron and calcium contribute to healthy bones. Asafoetida ______ gas from the stomach. Cabbage, carrot and cluster-beans contain fibrous substance which gives a person ______ from constipation. Cucumber, horse radish, lady’s finger, potato, tomato, snake-gourd etc. should ______ a place in our food items often. ______ fruits are good for health. Many of us do not have the habit of eating fruits. This is very bad. Taking orange, apple, plantain, grapes etc. will keep us healthy.Rice and wheat ______ much carbohydrate
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