1. Who called Kochi as ‘Queen of ArabianSea’?

Answer: R.K.Shanmukham Chetty


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MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it.Certain words/phrase have-been printed in the bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. King Hutamasan felt he had everything in the world not only due to his riches and his noble knights but because of his beautiful queen Rani Matsya The rays of the sun were put to shame with the iridescent light that Matsya illuminated with her beauty and brains At the right hand of the king she was known to sit and aid him in all his judicial probes You could not escape her deep-set eyes when you committed a crime as she always knew the and the culprit Her generosity preceded her reputation in the kingdom and her hands were always full to give people in the kingdom revered her because if she passed by she always gave to the compassionate and poor Far away from the kingly palace lived a man named Raman with only ends to his poverty as he had lost all his land to the landlord,His age enabled him little towards manual labour and so begging was the only alternative to salvage his wife and children Every morning he went door to door for some work food or money.The kindness of people always got him enough to take home But Raman was a little self centered His world began with him first followed by his family and the rest So he would eat and drink to his delight and return home with whatever he found excess This routine followed and he never let anyone discover his interest as he always put on a long face when he reached home. One day as he was relishing the bowl of rice he had just received from a humble home he heard that Rani Matsya was to pass from the very place he was standing Her generosity had reached his ears and he knew if he pulled a long face and showed how poor he was she would hand him a bag full of gold coins enough for the rest of his life enough to buy food and supplies for his family.He thought he could keep some coins for himself and only reveal a few to his wife so he can fulfill his own wishes. He ran to the chariot of the Rani and begged her soldiers to allow him to speak to the queen Listening to the arguments outside Rani Matsya opened the curtains of her chariot and asked Raman what he wanted Raman went on his knees and praised the queen I have heard you are most generous and most chaste show this beggar some charity Rani narrowed her brows and asked Raman what he could give her in return Surprised by such a question Raman looked at his bowl full of rice With spite in him he just picked up a few grains of rice and gave it to the queen Rani Matsya counted the 5 grains and looked at his bowl full of rice and said you shall be given what is due to you Saying this the chariot galloped away Raman abused her under his breath This he never thought would happen How could she ask him for something in return when she hadn’t given him anything ? Irked with anger he stormed home and gave his wife the bowl of rice Just then he saw a sack at the enterence His wife said some men had come and kept it there He opened it to find it full of rice He put his hand inside and caught hold of a hard metal only to discover it was a gold coin Elated he upturned the sack to find 5 gold coins in exact for the five rice grains If only I had given my entire bowl thought Raman I would have had a sack full of gold.According to the passage which of the following is definitely true about Rani Matsya ? (A)She was beautiful (B)She was intelligent (C)She was kind...
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MCQ-> Answer question based on the following information:On a certain day six passengers from Chennai, Bangalore, Kochi, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Hyderabad boarded the New Delhi bound Rajdhani Express from TataNagar. The following facts are known about these six passengers:1.The persons from Kochi and Chennai are less than 36 years of age. Person Z, the youngest among all is a doctor.2.The oldest person is from Kolkata and his/her profession is same as that of the person who got down at Mughal Sarai. 3.The person from Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai got down at four different stations. The eldest among these four got down at Koderma and the youngest at Kanpur. The person who got down at New Delhi is older than the person who got down at Mughal Sarai. 4. The engineer from Bangalore is older than the engineer from Chennai.5. While arranging the teachers in increasing order of age it was observed that the middle person is as old as the engineer from Chennai.6.Person Y who got down at Mughal Sarai is less than 34 year old.7.The teacher from Kochi is four year older than the 31 year old doctor who is not from Mumbai.8.In the past, three of the travellers have served in the Indian Army.Which of the following options is true?
MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Once upon a time there lived a queen in the city of Benaras. Her name was Khema and she was the wife of King Bahuputtaka:One night, the Queen had a dream of a beautiful golden goose that spoke with great wisdom, almost as if he was a sage: She told her husband that she desperately wanted to see a bird just like the one in her dream. So the King aksed his ministers to find out all that they could about a bird such as this. He was told that such a bird did exist but was extremely rare and difficult to find: They advised him to build a beautiful lake aon the outskirts of Benaras so that he may attract such rare and lovely creatures to reside there: In this way the queen might have her wish. Towards the norh, on Mount Cittakuta, there lived about ninety thousand wild geese headed by a beautiful golden goose called King Dhatarattha He got to hear of this exquisite lake surrounded by water lilies and lotuses floating on the surface: The kKing had invited all the birds to come and live on it, promising that one of them would ever be harmed: Corn was acattered on a daily basis in order to attract the birds. So a couple of geese went up to their King, the golden goose and told him that they were quite tired of living up on the mountains and would like to see this wonderful lake where they had been promised food and protection. The king agreed to their request and took the floc down south towards Benaras. Meanwhile, at the lake ing Bahuputtaka had placed hunters all around in order to capture any golden goose that happened to pass by. So the next morning when the headhunter saw this flock of geese approaching he was very excited to see their golden leader. He immediatey went about setting up a snare amongst the water lilies and lotuses, as he knew that the leader would definitely be the first to alight. The whole flock came flying down in one mighty seoop and as expected it was the King’s foot that touched the water first. He was esnsnared and could not escape: Seeing this, the other geese flew into a panic: But none had the courage to try to free their king and so flew back to Mount Cittacuta for safety. All except one: He was the chief captain, Sumukha:King Dhatarattha entreated him to fly to safety too, as he would surely be captured if he stayed by his sid: But Sumukha replied that he would never desert his master in the face of danger and swould either try to save him or die by his side: At this point the hunter approached and as Sumukha saw him he decided to appeal to his compassion. The hunter asked the golden goose how come he had not noticed the trap that was set. The golden goose replied that when one’s time was up it was no use to struggle against what was fated and one must just accept it. The huntsman was very impressed with his grace and wisdom. He then turned to Sumukha and asked why he had not fled with the other birds even though he was free to do so. Sumukha answered that the golden goose was his King, best friend and master and that he could never desert him even at the cost of his own life: Hearing this, the hunter realised that these were a couple of rare birds of great nobility. He did not much care for his own King’s reward and decided to do the right thing and set them free: He told Sumukha that as he was ready to die for his ing he would set them both free to fly wherever they wish.Why were the geese keen on visiting the lake in Benaras?
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