1. Which range of Himalayas is know for hill stantions ?

Answer: Himachal


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MCQ-> Analyse the following transcript (from the movie Matrix) and provide an appropriate answer for the questions that follow: Neo: Morpheus, what's happened to me? What is this place? Morpheus: More important than what is when. Neo: When? Morpheus: You believe it's the year 1999 when in fact it's closer to 2199. I can't tell you exactly what year it is because we honestly don't know.There's nothing I can say that will explain it for you, Neo. Come with me. See for yourself. This is my ship, the Nebuchadnezzar. It's a hovercraft. This is the main deck. This is the core where we broadcast our pirate signal and hack into the Matrix. Most of my crew you already know. (Next Scene: Construct) Morpheus: This is the construct. It's our loading programme. We can load anything from clothing, to equipment, weapons, training simulations, anything we need. Neo: Right now we're inside a computer programme? Morpheus: Is it really so hard to believe? Your clothes are different. The plugs in your arms and head are gone. Your hair is changed. Your appearance now is what we call residual self image. It is the mental projection of your digital self. Neo: This...this isn't real? Morpheus: What is real? How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. ...This is the world that you know. The world as it was at the end of the twentieth century. It exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix. You've been living in a dream world, Neo. .. .This is the world as it exists today. Welcome to the Desert of the Real. We have only bits and pieces of information but what we know for certain is that at some point in the early twenty-first century all of mankind was united in celebration. We marvelled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI. Neo: AI? You mean artificial intelligence? Morpheus: A singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. We don't know who struck first, us or them. But we know that it was us that scorched the sky. At the time they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate it seems is not without a sense of irony. The human body generates more bio-electricity than a 120-volt battery and over 25,000 BTU's of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion the machines have found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth. What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this. Neo: No. I don't believe it. It's not possible. Morpheus: I didn't say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth. Neo: Stop. Let me out. Let me out. I want out.The innate factor responsible for the status of human beings in later part of 22nd century is
MCQ-> "All raw sugar comes to us this way. You see, it is about the color of maple or brown sugar, but it is not nearly so pure, for it has a great deal of dirt mixed with it when we first get it." "Where does it come from?" inquired Bob."Largely from the plantations of Cuba and Porto Rico. Toward the end of the year we also get raw sugar from Java, and by the time this is refined and ready for the market the new crop from the West Indies comes along. In addition to this we get consignments from the Philippine Islands, the Hawaiian Islands, South America, Formosa, and Egypt. I suppose it is quite unnecessary to tell you young men anything of how the cane is grown; of course you know all that.""I don't believe we do, except in a general way," Bob admitted honestly. "I am ashamed to be so green about a thing at which Dad has been working for years. I don't know why I never asked about it before. I guess I never was interested. I simply took it for granted.""That's the way with most of us," was the superintendent's kindly answer. "We accept many things in the world without actually knowing much about them, and it is not until something brings our ignorance before us that we take the pains to focus our attention and learn about them. So do not be ashamed that you do not know about sugar raising; I didn't  when I was your age. Suppose, then, I give you a little idea of what happens before this raw sugar can come to us.""I wish you would," exclaimed both boys in a breath."Probably in your school geographies you have seen pictures of sugar-cane and know that it is a tall perennial not unlike our Indian corn in appearance; it has broad, flat leaves that sometimes measure as many as three feet in length, and often the stalk itself is twenty feet high. This stalk is jointed like a bamboo pole, the joints being about three inches apart near the roots and increasing in distance the higher one gets from the ground.""How do they plant it?" Bob asked."It can be planted from seed, but this method takes much time and patience; the usual way is to plant it from cuttings, or slips. The first growth from these cuttings is called plant cane; after these are taken off the roots send out ratoons or shoots from which the crop of one or two years, and sometimes longer, is taken. If the soil is not rich and moist replanting is more frequently necessary and in places like Louisiana, where there is annual frost, planting must be done each year. When the cane is ripe it is cut and brought from the field to a central sugar mill, where heavy iron rollers crush from it all the juice. This liquid drips through into troughs from which it is carried to evaporators where the water portion of the sap is eliminated and the juice left; you would be surprised if you were to see this liquid. It looks like nothing so much as the soapy, bluish gray dish-water that is left in the pan after the dishes have been washed.""A tempting picture!" Van exclaimed."I know it. Sugar isn't very attractive during its process of preparation," agreed Mr. Hennessey. "The sweet liquid left after the water has been extracted is then poured into vacuum pans to be boiled until the crystals form in it, after which it is put into whirling machines, called centrifugal machines that separate the dry sugar from the syrup with which it is mixed. This syrup is later boiled into molasses. The sugar is then dried and packed in these burlap sacks such as you see here, or in hogsheads, and shipped to refineries to be cleansed and whitened.""Isn't any of the sugar refined in the places where it grows?" queried Bob."Practically none. Large refining plants are too expensive to be erected everywhere; it therefore seems better that they should be built in our large cities, where the shipping facilities are good not only for receiving sugar in its raw state but for distributing it after it has been refined and is ready for sale. Here, too, machinery can more easily be bought and the business handled with less difficulty." Which one of the following is not a essential condition for setting up sugar refining plants?
MCQ->Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to the question out of the four alternatives. Translation is of immense importance today. With rapid commercialization, the narrow barriers between nations are fast disappearing. In the past, there used to be practically no communication amongst nations. The modern world, however, is no longer divided into water-tight compartments. We are heading towards one world, thanks to development in the fields of communication among nations today. Translation forges bonds of unity amongst people who speak different languages. Even if we do not know a particular language or the literature of a particular nation, we can know its richness and the depth of its ideas through translation. Translation also helps in understanding the rich cultural heritage of a nation. Thus a multi-lingual person has a multi-focal view of the world. Translation also serves as a mode of cultural excahnge in a multi-lingual country. It plays a pivotal role in the evolution of a pluralistic national identity. The achievement of translation is both the globalisation of culture and the promotion of intra and inter-cultural bonding. One may appreciate and enjoy through translation the plays of Shakespeare even if one does not know the English language. One may also know the rich world of Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton, Dickens, Hardy, Leo Tolstoy, Zola and Munshi Prem Chand through translation. Translation responds to our intellectual, cultural and spiritual needs. It is necessary for information and for the exchange of ideas. Translation, which has hitherto been neglected and marginalized, has assumed importance with rapid globalization. It is now considered an art which requires mastery and perfection. A good translator is able to do away with superficiality and has a clear understanding of the text to be translated. He should have mastery over the subtle nuances of the language from which he is translating. Translating a passage of one language into another literally is not only impossible but would also result in incorrect grammar and syntax. What should be the primary concern while translating a passage from one language into another?...
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