RRBNTPC2April20162ndShift Related Question Answers

76. The filament of a light bulb is made up of

77. Who among the following became the first tourist to space by spending $20 million for 8 days in orbit?

78. P bought an article for Rs. 1600 and sold it at a profit of 10%. What would have been the increase in the profit percent if it was sold for Rs. 1840?

79. Who were the first hominids to be categorized as Homo Sapiens?

80. What is $$C_{12}H_{22}O_{11}$$ also known as:

81. Select the correct set of symbols: 27 3 19 10 = 90

82. Simplify: (2/7 + 315) + (2/5 + 2/7)

83. Select the correct set of symbols: 44 4 7 5=82

84. If R019 is divisible by 11, find the value of the smallest natural number R?

85. Malini said, "Rohit is my maternal aunt's mother's only son's son". How is Malini related to Rohit?

86. In Tennis, hard court is the type of court whose surface is made of -

87. If '+' means x, '-' means +, `x' means + and '+' means — ; compute the value of the expression: 36 - 4 +7 x 8

88. The average of first 20 multiples of 12 is:

89. What is the median of the following list of numbers: 55. 53, 56, 59. 61, 69, and 31?

90. The sum of digits of a two-digit number is 9. When the digits are reversed, the number decreases by 45. Find the changed number.


92. Which of the following is NOT an effect of Noise Pollution?

93. The upstream speed of the boat is 40 km/hr and the speed of the boat in still water is 55 km/hr. What is the downstream speed of the boat?

94. Choose the pair which is related in the same way as the words in the first pair from the given choices. TENNIS : COURT :: BOXING :

95. Six years ago, the ratio of the ages of the two persons P and Q was 3:2. Four years hence the ratio of their ages will be 8:7. What is P's age?

96. Which of the following popular tourist destinations of India were built in 1911 to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary?

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