SSCCHSL31Jan2017EveningShift Related Question Answers

26. Proteins are made up of _______.

27. The modern periodic table consists of 18 groups and 7 periods. What is the atomic number of the element placed in the 4th group and the 4th period?

28. A Gigabyte equals all of the following, except _______.

29. If price of an article decreases from Rs 800 to Rs 750, when quantity demanded increases from Q1 units to 2250 units, and if point elasticity of demand is -2 find Q1?

30. Which of the following is false about minimum wages?

31. Which was Al Gore's Oscar winning Documentary?

32. Which of the following is the hottest planet?

33. Which of these was not from the Mughal Dynasty?

34. Who set up the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad?

35. Who discovered Catalysis?

36. Find the power of a convex lens if the image formed is at a distance of 20 cm from the lens when the object is placed on the other side of the lens at 60 cm from the optical centre?

37. What is the unit of the physical quantity "Heat capacity"?

38. The power to grant pardons or suspend or remit the sentence of any convicted persons is vested in the _______.

39. Uniform Civil Code is mentioned in which article of Indian Constitution?

40. Abhinav Bindra won Gold Medal for which Sport in Olympics?

41. Who is the author of "The Namesake"?

42. Moringa Oleifera is the scientific name of ________.

43. Cheraw is a folk dance of ________.

44. The brand name Teflon represents which polymer?

45. Gandhinagar is the Capital City of ________.

46. The Iron Pillar is located in?

47. The value of x for which the expressions 11x + 7 and 17x - 1 become equal is ______.

48. A wholesaler sells a watch to a retailer at a gain of 36% and the retailer sells it to a customer at a loss of 25%. If the customer pays Rs 2499, what had it cost the wholesaler?

49. A student multiplied a number by 11/13 instead of 13/11. What is the percentage error in the calculation?

50. 5*[-0.6 (2.8 + 1.2)] of 0.3 is equal to

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