2017SSCCGL20AugShift-3 Related Question Answers

76. What is the area (in sq cm) of a rhombus if the lengths of the diagonals are 12 cm and 14 cm?

77. If the shopkeeper sells an item at Rs 4400 which is marked as Rs 5000, then what is the discount that he is offering?

78. The flight fare between two cities is increased in the ratio 9:11. What is the increase (in Rs) in the fare, if the original fare was Rs. 18,000?

79. Of the 3 numbers whose average is 40, the first is 1/3 rd the sum of other 2. What is the first number?

80. A trader buys 500 kgs of cotton for Rs 9,000. 10% of this cotton is spoiled due to rain. At what rate (Rs/Kg) should he sell the rest to earn 10% profit?

81. A student has to secure 40% marks to pass. He gets 67 and fails by 13 marks. What is the maximum marks?

82. A spaceship travels at 1,260 km/h. How many metres does it travel in 1/10 th of a second?

83. If the amount received at the end of 2nd and 3rd year at Compound Interest on a certain Principal is Rs 1,800, and Rs 1,926 respectively, what is the rate of interest?

84. If (-1/2) * ( x - 5) + 3 = -5/2, then what is the value of x?

85. If a - b = 1 and ab = 6, then what is the value of $$a^{3} - b^{3}$$?

86. A number is greater than 58 times its reciprocal by 3/4. What is the number?

87. What is the sum of the first 13 terms of an arithmetic progression if the first term is -10 and last term is 26?

88. What is the reflection of the point (-0.5, 6) in the x-axis?

89. In what ratio does the point T(x,0) divide the segment joining the points S(-4,-1) and U(1,4)?

90. At what point does the line 2x - 3y = 6 cuts the Y axis?

91. The areas of two similar triangles ΔABC and ΔPQR are 36 sq cms and 9 sq cms respectively. If PQ = 4 cm then what is the length of AB (in cm)?

92. What is the value of Cot 45° + Cosec 60°?

93. Δ LMN is right angled at M. If ∠N = 60°., then Tan L =______.

94. If Tan θ = 4/3, then what is the value of Sin θ?

95. The pie chart shows the breakup in percentages of the various expenses of a Company. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.  Which is the second biggest expense of the company?

96. The ratio of company's expenditure on Raw material and Transport to Salaries is:

97. The company's expenditure on interest is greater than expenditure on rent by

98. If the total expenses of the company are Rs 50 crores, the total expenditure (in Rs crores) on Transport and Electricity is:

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