SSCCGL2013Tier121AprilFirstSitting Related Question Answers

101. Three numbers are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. By adding 5 to each of them, the new numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. The numbers are:

102. If $$a^{2} + b^{2} + c^{2} + 3 = 2 (a- b - c)$$, then the value of $$2 a - b + c$$ is :

103. A man buys 3 cows and 8 goats in 47,200. Instead if he would have bought 8 cows and 3 goats, he had to pay 53,000 more. Cost of one cow is

104. A chord of length 30 cm is at a distance of 8 cm from the centre of a circle. The radius of the circle is:

105. Number of digits in the square root of 62478078 is:

106. The ratio of inradius and circumradius of a square is :

107. Out of 10 teachers of a school, one teacher retires and in his place, a new teacher of age 25 years joins. As a result, average age of teachers is reduced by 3 years. The age (in years) of the retired teacher is:

108. Evaluate: tan 1° tan 2° tan 3° …………….tan 89°

109. Equation of the straight line parallel to x-axis and also 3 units below x-axis is :

110. P and Q are two points on a circle with centre at O. R is a point on the minor arc of the circle, between the points P and Q. The tangents to the circle at the points P and Q meet each other at the point S. If ∠PSQ = 20°, ∠PRQ = ?

111. The value of a machine depreciates every year by 10%. If its present value is 50,000 then the value of the machine after 2 years is

112. In a triangle ABC, AB = AC, LBAC = 40° Then the external angle at B is :

113. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in 5 days. B worked for 2 days and left the job. In how many days, A alone can finish the remaining work?

114. A man can swim 3 km/hr. in still water. If the velocity of the stream is 2 km/hr., the time taken by him to swim to a place 10 km upstream and back is :

115. It 10 men or 20 women or 40 children can do a piece of work in 7 months, then 5 men, 5 women and 5 children together can do half of the work in :

116. The value of cos 1° cos 2° cos 3° ………. cos 177° cos 178° cos 179° is :

117. If $$p- 2q = 4$$, then the value of $$p^{3} - 8q^{3} - 24pq - 64$$ is :

118. If $$sin θ + cosec θ = 2$$, then the value of $$sin^{2} θ + cosecs^{2} θ$$ is :

119. A shopkeeper marks the price of an article at 80. What will be the selling price, if he allows two successive discounts at 5% each ?

120. Which of the following successive discounts is better to a customer (a) 20%, 15%. 10% or (b) 25%, 12%, 8% ?

121. ABC is an isosceles triangle such that AB = AC and ∠B = 35°. AD is the median to the base BC. Then ∠BAD is:

122. The degree measure of 1 radian $$\pi=\frac{22}{7}$$ is

123. A train moving at a rate of 36 km/hr. crosses a standing man in 10 seconds. It will cross a platform 55 metres long, in :

124. If $$(n^2-tn+\frac{1}{4})$$ be a perfect square then the value of t are:

125. If $$\frac{x}{a}=\frac{1}{a}-\frac{1}{x}$$ then of $$x-x^{2}$$ is

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