2017SSCCGL16AugShift-3 Related Question Answers

51. In which of the following market forms a firm does not exercise control over price?

52. Which of the following is represented by 'Lorenz Curve'?

53. Which of the following is not a fundamental duty?

54. Which article can be used by The President of India to declare financial emergency?

55. The Poona Pact was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and __________.

56. Which Governor General abolished the 'Sati System' in India?

57. Which of the following is NOT a primary green house gas in the earth's atmosphere?

58. Which type of forest is most widespread in India?

59. Which blood group is universal donor?

60. In how many parts is the human brain divided?

61. In which of the following class can we put Adrenaline?

62. Supercooling is cooling of liquid _____.

63. When light passes from one medium to another, this phenomenon of change in its direction is called _____.

64. Which among the following is not an input device?

65. Which chemical is also known as Carbolic Acid?

66. Who is a major driving force behind the 'Narmada Bachao Andolan'?

67. 'Udey Desh ka Aam Nagrik' (UDAN) scheme for regional air connectivity will provide travel to tier 2 and tier 3 cities at the rate of Rs _____ per hour.

68. David Warner plays cricket for which country?

69. Japanese art ‘Ikebana’ is related to _____.

70. Who was awarded the 2017 Padma Bhushan Award in the field of Art-Music?

71. Who has recently launched his autobiography titled 'An Unsuitable Boy'?

72. Which of the following country is not a member of 'The Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)'?

73. Which country has launched the longest bullet train line covering a distance of 2252 kilometers in January, 2017?

74. What is the sum of all prime numbers between 60 and 80?

75. A and B have to type a book together containing 120 pages. A takes 9 hrs to type 36 pages and B takes 5 hrs to type 40 pages. A typed first 60 pages alone and the last 60 pages were typed by A and B together. How much time (in hours) will be taken to type the complete book?

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