RBIGradeB18Dec2011 Related Question Answers

26. Which of the following statements about the Indian Economy in the last decade is Not Correct ?

27. Who among the following is very closely associated with the day to day functioning of the Reserve Bank of India ?

28. Census in India was conducted recently (2011). In the eyes of the economists and policy makers, India's demographics are very much favourable to growth. Which of the following statements is NOT in conformity with the traditional demographic characterstics of India and its relation with growth ?

29. Some policy makers and thinkers are of the opinion that the notorious Satyam Scandal of 2009 has proved a blessing in disguise for India, as it intensified the call in the country for -

30. Frequent changes in the cost of which of the following commodities at international levels, push inflation upwards ?

31. Indian Parliament in the year 2005 passed Special Economic Zones Bill which gave birth to hundreds of SEZs in the country. How do these SEZs help in the growth of the Indian Economy ?

32. In economic terms, the total market value of all final goods and services produced in a country in a given year is known as

33. Which of the following is one of the indicators of Human Development Index (HDI) ?

34. Which of the following is one of the measures of economic growth of a country ?

35. What is the contribution of Agricultural sector in total GDP of India ? About—

36. What is the contribution of Service Sector in total GDP of India ?

37. In India, the National Income is measured on the basis of -

38. Which one of the following a measure of Fiscal Reforms, has Government of India adopted ?

39. `Green House Gases' are responsible mainly for -

40. which of the following in India is implemented in all the districts of the country for providing 100 days employment to those willing to do manual jobs in rural areas?

41. Which of the following is a Social Development programme launched by the Government of India for school children ?

42. Which of the following economic concept is categorized on the basis of Current Account or Capital Account or both ?

43. Which of the following acts is/ was introduced for the purpose of sustainable growth ?

44. 'IAEA' is an organization which functions in the area of

45. As reported in newspapers. China has raised objection on India's presence in South China sea along with Vietnam. Both the nations are engaged in which of the following activities in the sea?

46. Which of the following is the purpose of introducing 'Know Your Customer' norms by the banks ?

47. Which of the following 27 organisations is established mainly to promote Micro, Small & Medium industrial sector in India ?

48. As reported in newspapers, the Market Borrowings of the Union Government have gone up in 2011-12 (upto September 2011). What is the main reason for the same ?

49. "Core Industries witness lower growth in last few months" was the news in some major newspapers recently. This means the performance of which of the following is NOT taken into accounts for the same?

50. 'Centre brings the curtain down on DEPB scheme' - was the news recently. What is the full form of the term DEPB ?

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