RBIGradeB4Sep2016 Related Question Answers

126. A quieter, cleaner future is not that far away, with more automobile buyers gradually taking to electric vehicles. Even with limited driving range, electric vehicles can successfully replace the bulk of personal cars on roads. A. It's a myth that electric vehicles can successfully B. In addition to limited driving range C. Despite limited driving range, electric vehicles can

127. A survey revealed that consumers think smartphone makers are releasing too many new models each year. Handset devices are one of the most frequently replaced electronic products. A. Handset devices are one of the most frequently replaced electronic products and B. Even though handset devices are replaced every year C. While consumers think smartphone makers are releasing too many models each year

128. In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.18.3, 20.6, 16, 22.9, 13.7, 2.2, 11.4

129. In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.2, 4, 11, 37, 151, 771, 4633

130. In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.188, 154, 140, 132, 128, 126, 125

131. In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.6, 4, 5, 11, 39, 179, 1127

132. In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number.9, 5, 6, 10.5, 23, 61, 183

133. A, B and C started a business with investments of 1,600/-, 2,100/- and 1,500/- respectively. After 8 months from the start of the business, B and C invested additional amounts in the ratio of 3 : 5 respectively. If the respective ratio between total annual profit and C’s share in the annual profit was 3 : 1, what was the additional amount invested by B after 8 months ?

134. To complete a project, 18 women take 4 more days than the number of days taken by 12 men. If eight men complete the project in 9 days, how much work will be left when 15 women and 12 men together work for 3 days ?

135. Refer to the pie charts and answer the given questions. Data regarding number of foreign students (male + female) from different countries- A, B, C, D and E, studying in higher education level in the country XYZ in the year 2014 Total number of foreign students (male + female) = 9000 Foreign female students = 3500 What is the respective ratio between the total number of male students from countries B and C together and total number of students (male + female) from the same countries together ?

136. What is the average number of male students from countries C, D and E ?

137. The total number of female students from countries A and B .together is what percent of male students from country A ?

138. Female students from country E is what percent more than those from country C ?

139. Male students from country E in the year 2015 were 20% more than those from the same country in the previous year. If the male students from country E constituted 60% of the total students (male + female), in the year 2015, how many foreign students from country E in the same year were females ?

140. Abhay rolled a pair of die together. What is the probability that one die showed a multiple of 2 and the second die showed neither a multiple of 3 nor 2 ?

141. Only 40% and 20% of females were graduates in villages A and C respectively. If female population of villages A and C were equal, what was the respective ratio of number of non-graduate females (including illiterate females) in villages A and C?

142. If in village E, 40% of male literates and 40% of female literates were graduates, what percent of total population were graduates ?

143. In village B, the number of females was what percent less than the number of males ?

144. The total number of literates (male and female) in Village D was 4320. If the number of illiterate females was 320 more than the number of illiterate

145. In village C, the number of females increased by 20% from 2011 to 2015. If the number of literate females was equal in 2011 and 2015, what percent of female population of village C Was literate ?

146. All the major rivers in the state have been flowing way over the danger level for the past few weeks. Which of the following is/are possible effect(s) of the above cause ? A. Many villages situated near the river banks are submerged forcing residents to flee. B. Government has decided to provide alternate shelter to all the affected villagers residing near the river banks. C. The entire state has been put on high flood alert

147. In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. These statements are followed by two conclusions. Read them carefully and mark the appropriate answer. Give answer :a: If either conclusion I or II follows b: If neither conclusion I nor II follows c: If only conclusion II follows d: If both conclusions I and II follow e: If only conclusion I followsStatements: C ≥ V ≤ R = N ≥ T > Q : Y ≥ N < A Conclusions : I. Q > V II. Q < Y

148. Statements: C ≥ V ≤ R = N ≥ T > Q : Y ≥ N < A Conclusions : I. Q ≥ Y II. A > Q

149. Statements : P ≥ R < U ≤ M < V ; T ≤ U ; L < M Conclusions : I. T < L II. V >L

150. Statements : P ≥ R < U ≤ M < V ; T ≤ U ; L < M Conclusions : I. V > T II. T ≤ P

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