26. Stub arbor type “A' used for mounting

27. The back side of an angle plate has ribs. What is its function ?

28. V-Block is available in how many grades ?

29. What type of thread on bench vice spindle is ?

30. Duraluminium is a alloy of

31. The mechanical property of metal is

32. Annealing is done

33. Hole tolerance is size difference

34. Back gear is used in conepulley head stock on lathe

35. Which type of chuck is used for self alignment ?

36. What is the backbone of lathe machine ?

37. To convert circular motion into longitudinal motion which type of bolt is used ?

38. Which type of nut is used in precision instrument ?

39. Jigand fixtures are made in such type that

40. Main use of coolant on machine tool

41. Counter boring is done for

42. Quick return mechanism is provided on shaper to reduce the time required for

43. Clapper box of a shaper is used to

44. The size of a planer is determined by the maximum length of the

45. An angular surface is machined on a planer

46. Gang milling operation is usually performed when

47. In a spur gear the pitch diameter 40 mm, outside diameter 48 mm, module 4 mm, the number of teeth will be

48. Slitting saw is used for

49. Truing of grinding wheel is done by which tool ?

50. Cutting tool used in planning machine is

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