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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2563

128151. Effeminate

128152. In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word opposite in meaning to the word given.Debonair

128153. After driving Professor Jones to the museum she dropped him at his hotel.

128154. He found the student guilty.

128155. She wants that she should be respected.

128156. Please keep quiet.

128157. He displeased Mr. Mathur.

128158. I asked Susheela why she was sad.

128159. He asked me what my post was.

128160. Rahul made her laugh.

128161. We crowned him leader.

128162. His behaviour surprised me.

128163. His hard work satisfied me.

128164. Mr. Sharma knows me.

128165. He arrived at the conclusion.

128166. Who wrote this noble ?

128167. Who wrote this book ?

128168. Who taught you English ?

128169. Where do they buy the utensils ?

128170. Why does he beat his brother ?

128171. Will nobody help the Sheetal ?

128172. a)But b)Yet c)Hence special schools for such children

128173. parents of these a)unethical b)unnatural c)unfortunate children?

128174. This most a)joyous b)distressing c)distracting question continually torments the

128175. What a)can b)will c)must happen to them after us?

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