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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2530

126501. Baron Hausberg was a ............... Fill in the blank choosing the correct option.

126502. Which of the following is a drama

126503. Match the poems with poets : A B (a) Sonnet No. 116 1. Walt Whitman (b) The Solitary Reaper 2. Douglas Mallock (c) Be the Best 3. William Shakespeare (d) O Captain! My Captain 4. William Wordsworth

126504. Mercy droppeth as the gentle rain from Heaven. This line is taken from ...........

126505. Find out the correct author of this line : "That should not be done in Puncha-Kandam".

126506. Choose the correct option : The Giant's final journey was ................

126507. "On the day of Sicilian July, with Etna Smoking The voice of Education said to me...." In these lines, The word "Etna" refers to .............

126508. Find out the allusion applied here : "Dust thou art, to dust returnest..."

126509. Identify the correct degree : Dina's pencil is .............(sharp) than Caroline.

126510. Match the Name of the author with the short stories : (a) O'Henry 1. The Selfish Giant (b) Pearl S Buck 2. Open window (c) Saki 3. The Last Leaf (d) Oscar Wilde 4. The Refugee

126511. Match the following words in Column A with their meanings in Column B and select the correct answer from the codes given : Column A Column B (a) alms 1. untidy (b) popular 2. splendid (c) ragged 3. offerings (d) amazing 4. well known

126512. Choose the correct (word) synonym for the underlined word from the option given : Where did this grit come from

126513. Match the British English Words in Column A with the American English Words in Column B Column A- BE Column B - AE (a) Fellow 1. Pitcher (b) Interval 2. Guy (c) Jug 3. Intermission (d) Shop assistant 4. Trunk (e) Boot 5. Sales clerk

126514. Select the correct Tense : I .........(leave) for Mumbai tomorrow evening.

126515. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions given below : There is a pencil ............. the box. The cat was sitting ........... the table. The girl is standing ........... the two pillars. She placed the dishes .......... the table. Options : between in on under

126516. Match the correct Suffix with the root words : (a) colour 1. -al (b) hero 2. -ful (c) impress 3. -able (d) credit 4. -ic (e) nation 5. -ive

126517. Khalil Gibran is from

126518. The line, It blesseth him that gives and him that takes. Occurs in the play

126519. Who among the poets given below, is not from England ?

126520. Empoli is a town in central...

126521. Match the following phrasal verbs with their meanings: Column A Column B a.Look after 1.Wear b.Put on 2.Take care of c.Keep on 3.Cancelled d.Called off 4.Continue

126522. Olivier Messiaen composed the

126523. One morning the giant was lying awake in bed and he heard some lovely music of a bird. The bird was

126524. Choose the best answer and complete the sentence : Girl Star a UNICEF project is a series of .

126525. Complete the sentence choosing the correct answer : Mr. Parsons is the character found in the lesson.

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