1. In perfect competition ...............

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MCQ-> Study the following information carefully• and answer the questions given below : Seven friends, namely, M, N, 0, P, Q, R and S, have one essay competition each on seven different days of the same week from Monday to Sunday, but not necessarily in the same order. Each one of them studies in different classes, viz, First, Second, Third, Fourth. Fifth. Sixth and Seventh, but not necessarily in the same order. The one who studies in the First Standard has an essay competition on Saturday. S studies in the Second Standard and has an esay competion on Wednesday. N has the essay competition immediately before Q. N does not have the essay competition on any day after that of S. The one who studies in the Seventh Standard does not have an essay competition on any of the days on or before Friday. The one who studies in the Third Standard has the essay competition immediately after 0. Q does not study in the Fifth Standard. The one who studies in the Sixth standard does not have the essay competition immediately before or after S. R does not have the essay competition on Sunday and does not study in the Third Standard. P does not have the essay competition on any of the days before that of M.In which of the following standards does R study ?
MCQ-> Read the following information and choose the right alternative in the questions that follow.During the cultural week of an institute six competitions were conducted. The cultural week was inaugurated in the morning of 19th October, Wednesday and continued till 26th October. In the span of 8 days six competitions namely debate, folk dance, fash-p, street play, rock band, and group song, were organized along with various other cultural programs. The information available from the institute is: i. Only one competition was held in a day ii. Rock band competition was not conducted on the closing day. iii. Fash-p was conducted on the day prior to debate competition iv. Group song competition was conducted neither on Wednesday nor on Saturday v. None of the competition was conducted on Thursday and Sunday vi. Street Play competition was held on Monday vii. There was gap of two days between debate competition and group song competitionThe cultural week started with which competition?
MCQ-> Read the following case  – let and answer the that follow Ms. Banerjee, class teacher for 12th standard, wants to send teams (based on past performance) of three students each to district, state, national, and international competition in mathematics.Till now, every student of the class has appeared in 100 school level tests. The students had following distribution of marks in the tests, in terms of “average” and “number of times a student scored cent per cent marks”. Ms. Banerjee has carefully studied chances of her school winning each of the competitions. Based on in - depth calculations, she realized that her school is quite likely to win district level competition but has low chances of winning the international competition. She listed down the following probabilities of wins for different competitions. Prize was highest for international competition and lowest for district level competition (in that order). All the students are studying in the school for last twelve years. She wanted to select the best team for all four competitions (Ms. Banerjee had no other information to select students). Which of three members should form the team for the International competition?
MCQ-> on the basis of the information given in the following case.Vivekananda Memorial Elocution Competition (VMEC) in Viswavijay Public School (VPS) has a history of forty years. Apart from the founder’s day and annual day celebrations, it is the most important event of the school. In recent times, due to the increased popularity of reality shows on television channels, and for various other reasons, the elocution competition lost its appeal. Interest of both students and parents has been eroding over a period of time. To ensure sufficient audience, Mr. Ivan, Head of English Department, introduced choral recitation for junior section as a part of elocution competition. Three classes, each consisting of forty students, get short- listed for the final performance of choral singing on the day of VMEC. Most of the parents and family members of these students attend the function to encourage them. This initiative increased the number of people attending the elocution competition. Some teachers are unhappy with the emphasis given on the elocution competition, since they are expected to be present at the school on the day of competition, which normally happens on a weekend to accommodate the working parents. The teachers were not granted leave on the day of VMEC and they used to be unhappy regarding this aspect.Ms Shabina, the principal of VPS, is aware that some of her teachers are unhappy. She wants to be seen as fair and just. Which option is the best one that she should exercise?....
MCQ->Ms. Banerjee has to select the team for national competition after she has selected the team for international competition. A student selected for international competition cannot be a part of national competition. Which is the best team for the national competition?....
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