1. Selection Day is the novel written by

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MCQ-> Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : Following are the criteria for short listing candidates for calling for interview for Management Trainees in an organization : The candidates must- (i) not be less than 21 years and more than 28 years as on 1.11.04. (ii) have secured at least 60 per cent marks in graduation. (iii) have secured at least 65 per cent marks in the preliminary selection examination. (iv) have secured at least 55 per cent marks in the final selection examination. (v) be ready to join work immediately after the interview. In the case of a candidate who fulfills all other criteria EXCEPT- (A) at (iv) above but has secured more than 75 per cent marks in preliminary selection examination his/her case is to be referred to Deputy General Manager. (B) at (ii) above but has secured at least 65 per cent marks in post graduation, his/her case is to be referred to General Manager. In each of the questions below is given the information of one candidate. You have to study the information provided with reference to the conditions given above and decide whether the candidate is to be called for interview or some other course of action as stated below is to be taken. You are not to assume other than the information provided in each question. All these cases are given to you as on 1.11.2004. Now read the information provided in each question and decide which of the following courses of actions is to be taken with regard to each candidate and mark your answer.Mark answer a: if the candidate is to be called for interview. Mark answer b: if the case is to be referred to General Manager. Mark answer c: if the candidate is not to be called for interview. Mark answer d: if the data provided are not sufficient to take a decision. Mark answer e: if the case is to be referred to Deputy General Manager.Neelam Srivastava has secured 75 per cent marks in the preliminary selection examination. She was 22 years old as on 5th December, 2000. She has secured 65 per cent and 60 per cent marks in the Final selection examination and in graduation respectively. She is ready to join immediately after the interview.
MCQ-> Answer questions on the basis of the information below.Five reviews of the recently published novel, Caught in a Blizzard, are reproduced below. The reviews and the reviewers are identified as indicated by the numbers. a: This novel can change your life - for the good, as it has changed mine. It has made me reflect critically about my life. b: The novel has become a popular piece of literature, more among the youth than among the older population. c: The author uses the plot in her novel to present her philosophy about life in a positive light, rather than relying on the merits of the philosophy per se. d: The author is known to be a writer of great power. The intricate and captivating plots in her novels shows that she has a subtle and ingenious mind. e: People have been jolted out of their beliefs about love and other different aspects of life after reading this novel. The options to the questions 75 - 77 are same as the reviews/reviewers indicated above.There has been criticism about reviewers that they write reviews after having a cursory reading of the book in question. Based on the analysis of the different reviews, which reviewer is most likely to have read the book in greater detail as compared to the other reviewers?
MCQ-> Applicants for the doctoral programmes of Ambi Institute of Engineering (AIE) and Bambi Institute of Engineering (BIE) have to appear for a Common Entrance Test (CET). The test has three sections: Physics (P), Chemistry (C), and Maths (M). Among those appearing for CET, those at or above the 80th percentile in at least two sections, and at or above the 90th percentile overall, are selected for Advanced Entrance Test (AET) conducted by AIE. AET is used by AIE for final selection.For the 200 candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall based on CET, the following are known about their performance in CET: 1. No one is below the 80th percentile in all 3 sections. 2. 150 are at or above the 80th percentile in exactly two sections. 3. The number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in P is the same as the number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in C. The same is the number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in M. 4. Number of candidates below 80th percentile in P: Number of candidates below 80th percentile in C: Number of candidates below 80th percentile in M = 4:2:1.BIE uses a different process for selection. If any candidate is appearing in the AET by AIE, BIE considers their AET score for final selection provided the candidate is at or above the 80th percentile in P. Any other candidate at or above the 80th percentile in P in CET, but who is not eligible for the AET, is required to appear in a separate test to be conducted by BIE for being considered for final selection. Altogether, there are 400 candidates this year who are at or above the 80th percentile in P.What best can be concluded about the number of candidates sitting for the separate test for BIE who were at or above the 90th percentile overall in CET?
MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Long ago, a Brahmin called Haridatta lived in a little village. He was a farmer but the piece of land he cultivated provided him with so little to survive on that he was very poor. One day, unable to stand the heat of the summer sun, he went to rest for a whilevunder a big tree on his land. Before he could stretch out on the ground, he saw a huge black cobra slithering out of an anthill nearby. The snake then spread hisvhood and swayed gracefully from side to side. Haridatta was astonished tov seevthis and he thought, “This cobra must really be the god of this land. I have nevervseen or worshipped him before, which is probably why I am not able to get anything from the land. From this day onwards, I will worship him.” He hurried back to his home at once and returned with a glass full of milk. He poured it into a bowl and turning to the anthill said, “0 ruler of the land, I did not know you were living in this anthill. That is why I have not paid my tribute to you. Please accept my apologies for this omission and accept this humble offering.” He then placed the bowl of milk at the entrance of the anthill and left the place. The next day when the Brahmin arrived to work on his land before the sun rose, he found a gold coin in the bowl he had left at the anthill. He was very happy indeed and from that day on, he made it a practice to offer the cobra milk in a bowl each day. The next morning he would collect a gold coin and leave. One day Haridatta had to go to a neighbouring village on business. He asked his son to go to the anthill as usual and leave a bowl of milk for the cobra. The son did as he was told, but when he went to the same spot the next day and collected the gold coin he thought, “This anthill must be full of gold. If I kill the cobra, I can collect all the gold in an instant, instead of having to waste my time coming here every day.” He then struck the cobra with a big stick. The cobra deftly dodged the blow but bit Haridatta’s son with his poisonous fangs. The boy soon died. When Haridatta returned to his village the next day, he heard how his son had met his death. He realised at once that his son’s greed would probably have caused him to attack the cobra. The Brahmin went to the anthill the day after his son’s cremation and offered milk to the cobra as usual. This time, the cobra did not even come out of his hole. Instead, he called out to Haridatta, “You have come here for gold, forgetting That you have just lost a precious son and that you are in mourning. The reason for this is pure greed. From today, there is no meaning to our relationship. I am going to give you a diamond as a final gift. But please don’t ever come back again.” He slithered away as the Brahmin watched.Which of the following is TRUE according to the story ?
MCQ-> Two traders, Chetan and Michael, were involved in the buying and selling Of MCS shares over five trading days. At the beginning of the first day, the MCS share was priced at Rs 100, while at the end of the fifth day it was priced at Rs 110. At the end of each day, the MCS share price either went up by Rs 10, or else, it came down by Rs 10. Both Chetan and Michael took buying and selling decisions at the end of each trading day. The beginning price of MCS share on a given day was the same as the ending price of the previous day. Chetan and Michael started with the same number of shares and amount of cash, and had enough of both. Below are some additional facts about how Chetan and Michael traded over the five trading days.• Each day if the price went up, Chetan sold 10 shares of MCS at the closing price. On the other hand, each day if the price went down, he bought 10 shares at the closing price.• If on any day, the closing price was above Rs 110, then Michael sold 10 shares of MCS, while if it was below Rs 90, he bought 10 shares, all at the closing price.If Chetan sold 10 shares of MCS on three consecutive days, while Michael sold 10 shares only once during the five days, what was the price of MCS at the end of day 3?
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