RRB2010Bhubaneswar Related Question Answers


2. 42 : 56 : : 72 : ?

3. 6 : 18 : : 4 : ?



6. Which of the following states came into existence on the basis of language ?

7. Who among the following Presidents had been in office continuously for two terms ?

8. Under which of the following conditions, the President can declare a state or Emergency ?

9. Who among the following Prime Minister did not face the Parliament during his term of office?

10. 4 plates (50 cm $$\times$$ 5 cm) are arranged as show below. Calculate the area of the square space in the middle.

11. One tap fills up a tank in two hours and the second tap empties it in 3 hours. How long will the tank take to get filled up if both the taps start functioning simultaneously ?

12. Difference between the length and breadth of a field is 48 metres and its perimeter is of 160 metres. What would be the length of a side of a square whose area is equal to this field ?

13. In a co-educational school there are 600 students. Average age of boys is 12 years and that of girls is 11 years. If the average age of all the students is 11 years and 9 months, what would be the number of girls ?

14. Sitting of Supreme Court take place in New Delhi. Under some unavoidable circumstance, by whose permission can the Chief Justice shift the sitting place elsewhere ?

15. First of all, the hypothesis of formation of constitution originated in which of the following countries ?

16. Who among the following is associated with Indian civilisation ?

17. Which of the following diseases spreads due to virus ?

18. Marked price of an article is Rs. 500. The shopkeeper sells the article at successive discounts of 15% and 10%. Another shopkeeper sells the same article and gives the successive discounts of 9% and 16%. From which shopkeeper the customer will get more benefit ?

19. There is a copper wire of 1 cm diameter and 8 cm length. It is moulded in a wire of 18 cm length. What would be the diameter of this new wire ?

20. $$ (1-\frac{1}{2}) (1-\frac{1}{3}) (1-\frac{1}{4}) .....(1-\frac{1}{40}) = ?$$

21. Foodgrains for 220 soldiers have been stored in a fort. Foodgrains will be consumed in 16 weeks, if each soldier is given 45 gm per day. The same foodgrains will last for 24 weeks if each soldier is given 33 gms per day and some soldiers are removed. How many soldiers should be removed ?

22. Headquarters of North-Eastern Railway is located at which of the following cities ?

23. In 1866, Dadabhai Naoroji had founded East Indian Association in the following city--

24. In which of the following sessions did Indian National Congress split into Moderate Party and Extremist Party ?

25. Who among the following was the first Governor General of India ?

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