RRB2010Bhubaneswar Related Question Answers

76. Which male tennis player has recently achieved 15 Grand Slam titles ?

77. In which country was the 45th World Archery Championship organised in Spet. 2009 ?

78. For how many positive integers a is it true that $$ a^{2} \leq 2a $$ ?

79. At 3.00 am the temperature was 13 degrees below zero. By noon it has rises to 32 degrees. What was the average hourly increase in temperature, in degrees ?

80. The cost price of 18 articles is equal to selling price of 15 articles. The gain percent is:

81. If $$ \frac{A +5B}{2B}= A- 2B $$ then what is the value of A when B = -1 ?

82. Select the ‘’bold’’ word/phrase of the sentence given below which contains and error. The major difficulty confronting (A) the authorities were a (B) reluctance of the people to talk (C); they had been warned not to say anything (D) to the police

83. Select the ‘’bold’’ word/phrase of the sentence given below which contains and error. By order (A) of the student council, the wearing of (B) slacks by us (C) girls in school have been permitted (D).

84. What is the type of adverb used in the following sentence ? ‘’He did not work hard, therefore he failed’’.

85. Choose the word which does not have a meaning similar to the word : STRANGE

86. Choose the word or phrase which does not have a meaning similar to the word : DESTITUTE

87. Choose the word or phrase which has a meaning opposite to the meaning of the word : IDLE

88. Choose the word or phrase which has a meaning opposite to the meaning of the word : UPRIGHT

89. Select the word that closely fits with the definition : ‘’Government by one person’’.

90. Select the word that closely fits with the definition : ‘’a person living in foreign country’’.

91. Select the correct meaning of the ‘’bold’’ phrase in the sentence given below….. You must keep your head whatever happens.

92. Select the correct meaning of the ‘’bold’’ phrase in the sentence given below… ‘’We are usually ‘’taken in’’ by sweet talk’’

93. Fill in the blanks by using preposition(s).. ‘’They were quarrelling …….. something …….. which I did not know.’’

94. Fill in the blank with the words given below Despite all it’s ……., a term of enlistment in the Army can be both stirring and satisfying to a college graduate still undecided on a career.

95. Fill in the blanks with the words given below Although he has numerous films to his credit and a reputation for technical …. the movie maker lacked originally.All his films were sadly … of the work of others.

96. Fill in the blanks with the words given below Those interested in learning more about genetics will have to ….. the excellent technical journals where most of the pertinent material is….

97. Fill in the blanks with the words given below The number of turtles has …. because the encroachment of humans on their territory has caused them to ….. their customary breeding places.

98. Fill in the blanks with the words given below The newspaper’s former editors remembered him as ….. man whose …… and exhaustive reporting was worth the trouble.

99. Select the ‘’bold’’ word/phrase of the sentence give below which contains error. The region has a climate so severe that (1) plants growing here (2) rarely had been (3) more than 12 inches high (4)

100. Select the ‘’bold’’ word/phrase of the sentence give below which contains an error. We were all ready (1) for leave to (2) the amusement park when Ram’s car broke down (3); we were forced (4) to postpone our outing.

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