RRBNTPC19April2016-Shift2 Related Question Answers

26. Sleep apnea is related to ...... while sleeping.

27. Boiling point of water is

28. Circumvent : Bypass : : Comprehensible : ........

29. Find the sum of first 8 odd prime numbers.

30. If a=2b/3 , b=2c/3, and c=2d/3 , then find the ratio of b and d :

31. Windows 10 is

32. One of the techniques used for desalination of sea water is

33. Consider the information and answer the following questions based on it. The following table represents the number of fans of stars MSD, VK, RD and SR in different areas of a town. What is the difference between the numbers of fans of Area 2 to that of Area 3?

34. What is the difference between the total number of fans of SR and MSD?

35. In all, who has the highest number of fans?

36. Echocardiogram is more closely related to

37. Statements followed by some conclusions are given below. Statements: 1. Compulsive online shopping has become a common behavior among youngsters. 2. This is evident from most of those seeking counseling for de-addiction. Conclusions: I. All youngsters are addicted online shopping. II. All youngsters seek counseling for de-addiction. Find which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements.

38. In a mixture 25 litres, the ratio of milk and water is 4:1. How many litres of milk must be added to make the ratio 16:1?

39. World Wetland day is celebrated every year on February.

40. Night blindness : Sight : : ...... : Speech

41. Davis Cup 2015 final was held in

42. Mohan starts to calculate sum of all odd natural number less than 83. What result does he get?

43. 'Start' menu in a standard personal computer is

44. If the mathematical operator '$$\div$$' means '$$\times$$', '$$+$$' means ‘$$—$$', `$$\times$$' means `$$+$$' and '$$-$$' means '$$\div$$', then $$24 + 48 — 12 \times 4 \div 2$$ = ?

45. Avalanche : Ice :: Volcano : .............

46. The process of reducing the milk fat globules size to allow them to stay evenly distributed in milk is called

47. ........ was the $$3^{rd}$$ Mughal Emperor of India.

48. Velocity of a car does not depend on

49. The Colosseum, known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is located in

50. Mukesh got series of discount 30%, 25%, 15% on his shirt. Find out the single equivalent discount.

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