XAT2013 Related Question Answers

101. Read the statements carefully and answer the questions that follow 1. Earth Summit is held every year 2. Last earth Summit took place in Rio De janeiro 3. Another name for earth summit is United Nation Conference on Environment and Development Which of the above is the right combination ?

102. Which of following countries meet more than one fourth of their energy requirement from nuclear Power

103. Pick the right match from the following Combinations

104. Harish Hande who won the Magsaysay Award in 2011 is famous for

105. Indian Government is planning to introduce GAAR. What is the purpose of GAAR?

106. Who is the chairman of Indian planning Commission?

107. Given below are some well-known awards and their respective fields. Choose the correct combination:

108. A few combination names of companies and their products are given below. Choose the right option:

109. Read the following I.Excise duty is a tax on manufacture or production of goods and services II.Not all kinds of excise duty is collected by the Central Government of India III.Excise duty is an indirect tax Which of the statements given above are correct?

110. From which of the following items India export the most?

111. Which of the following acids helps in Human Digestion

112. Which of the following is the right match for the Olympics medal winners from India?

113. Which of the following African Countries underwent political turmoil in the last two years?

114. Which of the following education institutes was Mr. Rajat Gupta, the former Mckinsey chief associated with

115. Which of country was the highest producer of cars in the world in 2011?

116. What is the approximate share of manufacturing sector in India GDP in 2011 - 12?

117. Which of the following combination of scholars have won the Nobel Prize in Economics?

118. For which of the following reasons was Maruti in the news in July, 2012?

119. What is meaning of one unit carbon permit?

120. Who is the author of “Imagining India"

121. V Kurien was associated with

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