SSCCHSL10March2018EveningShift Related Question Answers

76. "Residex Index" is associated with which of these?

77. For internal financing of Five Year Plans, the Government depends on ___________.

78. In which language were the Buddhist literary works generally written?

79. Which of the following rebellion / agitation did NOT happen in the area of Bengal?

80. Which of the following cities is closest to the Equator?

81. Which of the following states has NOT met the boundary with Mizoram?

82. Who among the following is NOT a famous dancer of Bharatanatyam?

83. At which place the first BIMSTEC Disaster Management Exercise 2017 (BIMSTEC DMEx 2017), held in October 2017?

84. Who is the recipient of first Life time Achievement award instituted by Badminton Association of India?

85. Most of population in Sri Lanka follows ___________.

86. What is the relative molecular mass of water?

87. What is the pH value of human blood?

88. In India, who is known as the highest law officer?

89. According to the Indian Constitution, the Union ______ body is called the Parliament.

90. Which is NOT an example of organism that breaks down the food material outside the body and then absorb it?

91. Each trait in the child can be influenced by ______ DNA.

92. Who launched Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY) in July 2017?

93. Which organisation has installed India’s largest floating solar photovoltaic plant in Kerala?

94. ‘ICAR’ launched National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) in association with World Bank. Where is ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) located?

95. On 19 September 2017, Law Ministry approved Fugitive Economic Offenders Bill, 2017. The Bill entrusts the responsibility to try cases of Fugitive Economic Offenders under ______.

96. Due to an acceleration of 4 m/s2 the velocity of a body increases from 10 m/s to 30 m/s in a certain period. Find the displacement (in m) of the body in that period.

97. The area under a Velocity-Time graph represents ______________.

98. A ________________ is known by different names in different parts of the world. It is called a ‘hurricane’ in North America.

99. Which of the statements given below are correct? A) Alexander Norén won the Golf 2017 Masters Tournament. B) In 2017, Daniel Ricciardo raced in Formula One for Mercedes. C) In 2017 Pro Kabaddi League, Suraj Desai played for Jaipur Pink Panthers.

100. In ____________ layout headings can be displayed hiding the text under them in Microsoft Word.

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