2017SSCCGL17AugShift-1 Related Question Answers

26. Which of the following won The Man Booker Prize 2016?

27. Which of the statements given below are correct?1. The author of the novel 'Gilead' is Don Winslow. 2. The author of the novel 'Wolf Hall' is Stephen Dobyns. 3. The author of the novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is Harper Lee.

28. What was United Kingdom's rank in 2016 Human Development Index published by the United Nations Development Programme?

29. Which railway station is used for immigration and customs of passengers who travel on the Thar Express between Pakistan and India?

30. Select the correct option:Convert binary 1101111 to decimal.

31. A can finish a work in 18 days and B in 36 days. If they work on it together for 9 days, then what percent of work is left?

32. The diagonal of a square is 12 cm what is the length (in cm) of its side?

33. If on a Sale there is 30% discount on the marked price of Rs 2500, but the sale is done at Rs 1400 only. What additional discount (in %) did the customer get?

34. What is the third proportional to 10 and 25?

35. In a class of 50 students there are 27 boys. The average weight of these boys is 72 Kg and average weight of the full class is 55.44 kgs. What is the average weight (in kgs) of the girls of the class?

36. If a saree is sold for Rs 1900 the seller will face 5% loss, at what price (in Rs) should he sell the saree to gain 15% profit?

37. Pranita got 30 marks more in Math than what she got in Science. Her Math marks are 60% of the sum of her Math and Science marks. What are her Science marks?

38. To travel 432 km, an Express train takes 1 hour more than Duronto. If however, the speed of the Express train is increased by 50%, it takes 2 hours less than Duronto. What is the speed (in km/hr) of Duronto train?

39. What is the difference (in Rs) between the compound interests on Rs. 4000 for 1 year at 12% per annum compounded yearly and half-yearly?

40. If 7x - [3(2x - 3)]/2 = 1/2, then what is the value of x?

41. If a + b = 4 and ab = 3, then what is the value of $$a^{3} + b^{3}$$ ?

42. The sum of a fraction and 7 times its reciprocal is 11/2. What is the fraction?

43. The 3rd and 9th term of an arithmetic progression are -8 and 10 respectively. What is the 16th term?

44. What is the reflection of the point (1 , 2) in the line y = 3?

45. Point A (2, 1) divides segment BC in the ratio 2:3. Co-ordinates of B are (1, -3) and C are (4, y). What is the value of y?

46. At what point does the line 2x + 5y = -6 cuts the X-axis?

47. ΔABC is right angled at B. BD is an altitude. AD = 9 cm and DC = 16 cm. What is the value of BD (in cm)?

48. What is the value of Tan 45° + 4/√3 Sec 60°?

49. Δ DEF is right angled at E. If m ∠D = 30°. What is the length (in cm) of DE, if EF = 2√3 cm?

50. If Sin θ = 20/29, then what is the value of Cos θ?

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