SSCCHSL6December2015EveningShift Related Question Answers

176. The national Green Tribinal deals with cases relating to ?

177. Who was the First Speaker of the Lok Sabha ?

178. FORTRAN is called :

179. Which Indian News Paper has the largest readership ?

180. The gas dissolved in water that makes it basic is ?

181. The biggest oil spilt in world history took place in the ?

182. Among the following which country has the highest life expectancy ?

183. Yellow complexion, Medium stature, Oblique eye with an epicanthic fold is the characteristic feature of ?

184. The redness in atmosphere at Sunrise and Sunset in due to:

185. Which day is celebrated as International Yoga Day ?

186. Which one of the following tribes practices pastoral nomadism ?

187. Who was the first Secretary General of U.N.O ?

188. Who is the author of ‘Indica” ?

189. In a reaction of the type $$ A+B\rightarrow C+D $$ one could ensure it to be a first order reaction by

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