SSCCHSL6December2015EveningShift Related Question Answers

126. Two positive whole numbers are such that the sum of the first and twice the second number is 8 and their difference is 2. The numbers are:

127. The speed of a car in $$54 \frac{km}{hr}$$. What is its speed in $$\frac{m}{sec}$$ ?

128. The income of a company increase 20% per annum. If its income ₹26,64,000 in the year 2012, then its income in the year 2010 was:

129. The distance between centers of two circles of radii 3 cm and 8 cm is 13 cm. If the points of contact of a direct common tangent to the circles are P and Q, the length of the line segment PQ is:

130. A shopkeeper marks his goods 20% higher than the cost price and allows a discount of 5%. The percentage of his profit is.

131. In $$\triangle ABC, AB=BC=K, AC=\sqrt2\ K$$, then $$\triangle ABC$$ is a:

132. The smallest five digit number which is divisible by 12, 18 and 21 is:

133. By selling an article for ₹450. I lose 20%. For what amount should I sell il to gain 20% ?

134. In an exam the sum of the scores of A and B is 120, that of B and C is 130 and that of C and A is 140. Then the score of C is

135. If $$\alpha + \beta = 90^\circ$$ then the expression $$tan \alpha + Sin^2 \alpha + Sin^2 \beta$$ is equal to: $$tan \beta$$

136. Two circles of radii 5 cm and 3 cm touch extenally, then the ratio in which the direct common tangent to the circles divides extenally the line joining the centers of the circles is:

137. A fruit seller buys oranges at the rate of ₹10 per dozen and sells at the rate of ₹12 per dozen. His gain percent is

138. The outer circumference of a circular race track is 528 metre. The track is every where 14 metre wide. Cost of levelling the track at the rate of ₹10 per sq. metre is:

139. If $$1^3 + 2^3 + .......... 10^3 = 3025$$, then the value of $$2^3 + 4^3 + .......... + 20^3$$ is:

140. The surface are of sphere is $$616 cm^2$$. The volume of the sphere would be:

141. A vessel contains 60 litres of milk. 12 liters of milk taken out from it and replaced by water. Then again from mixture. 12 litres are again taken out and replaced by water. The ratio of milk and water in the resultant mixture is:

142. If $$(2a-1)^2+(4b-3)^2+(4c+5)^2=0$$, Then the value of $$\frac{a^3+b^3+c^3-3abc}{a^2+b^2+c^2}$$ is:

143. A house was sold for ₹y by giving a discount of x% then the list price was:

144. If $$a+\frac{1}{b}-1$$ and $$b+\frac{1}{c}-1$$, then $$c+\frac{1}{a}$$ is equal to:

145. If 20 women can lay a road of lengh 100 m in 10 days. 10 women can lay the same road of length 50m in:

146. $$83^\frac{1}{3}$$% of ₹ 90 is equal to 60% of ?

147. Whose army did Alexander, the Greek ruler confront on the bankes of the river Jhelum ?

148. The most suitable soil for the production of cotton is ?

149. The largest producer of Lignite in India is

150. When was RTI Act conacted India ?

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