SBIPO2002 Related Question Answers

101. For which of the following states the percentage of candidate qualified w.r.t. those appeared is the lowest in the year 1995 ?

102. What approximately is the percentage of candidates qualified from states C and D together w.r.t. the candidates appeared from these two states in 1997 ?

103. What approximately is the average number of candidates qualified in 1998 from the given states ?

104. What is the average number of candidates appeared from state B in the given years ?

105. In each of the questions a pair of equations is given. You have to find out the values of x and y and give answer.I. $$2x^2 - 7x + 6 = 0$$ II. $$4y^2 = 9$$

106. In each of the questions a pair of equations is given. You have to find out the values of x and y and give answer.I. $$4x^2 - 4x - 3 = 0$$ II. $$4y^2 + 12y +5 =0$$

107. In each of the questions a pair of equations is given. You have to find out the values of x and y and give answer.I. $$4x^2 = 49$$ II. $$9y^2 - 66y + 121 = 0$$

108. In each of the questions a pair of equations is given. You have to find out the values of x and y and give answer.I. $$x^2 + 9x + 14 = 0$$ II. $$y^2 + y - 2 = 0$$

109. In each of the questions a pair of equations is given. You have to find out the values of x and y and give answer.I. $$9x^2 - 18x + 5 = 0$$ II. $$2y^2 - 9y + 10 = 0$$

110. Study the following graph carefully and give answers.Percentage Profit/ Loss = $$\frac{Income- Expenditure}{Expenditure} \times 100$$Approximately what is the percentage of profit/ loss to companies C and D had together ?

111. If the income of company A increased by 10% in year 2000 from year 1999 and profit earned in 1999 was 20 what was its expenditure in 1999? (The value upto decimal places in crores)

112. If the expenditure of company G in 2000 was 20% more than its expenditure in the year 1999 and the company earned a profit of 10% in 1999, what was the company income in 1999 (in crore Rs. ) ?

113. Which of the following companies had the highest percentage of profit/loss in 2000?

114. What is the approximate percentage of profit earned all the companies together in 2000 ?

115. Our firm determination ‘had’ due impact on them and they will be changed their decision. A. having …. have changed B. emphasised… will be changed C. had … changed

116. Deep breathing exercises are found to be of extreme helpful to patients suffering from high blood pressure. A. Deeply breathing … extremely helpful B. Deep breathing … of extreme help C. Deep breathing … extremely helpful

117. By the time they reach the station, the train had been departed. A. reached … bus B. reach … had C. reached … had

118. These days, customers have been receiving better services from bank employes. A. received... by B. been received… from C. received….from

119. It was heartening news that you narrowly escaped being run over by a speeding car yesterday. A. narrowed… run over B. narrowly… run across C. narrowed down… running over

120. What matters most is the quality of the product and only not merely the cost, appearance or size. A. What… not merely B. It…. not only C. All that…. only not mere

121. Your investment advisor should be concerned about the security of and high returns on your investment, rather than his benefit. A. should be concern… for B. should have concern… with C. should be having concern… over

122. People who are insensitive and indifferences to the agonies of the poor cannot serve the society. A. indifference…. sufferings B. indifferent… sufferings C. indifferent… agonies

123. Getting carry away by slightest provocation is a sign of immaturity. A. Getting carried away… immaturity B. Get carry away…. immature C. Get carried away… maturity

124. Our employees are so careful in their work that none has been so far found any error in their work. A. very careful… have so far found B. so careful…. has so far around C. so efficient… have so far found

125. In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word that fits the blank.In these days of economic liberalisation, globalisation, etc., materialistic values have assumed ….(61
 )...importance. Money physical comforts and luxuries are most sought after aspects. There has been …(62)... competition. Such competition …(63)... under stress. The stress leads to ….(64)... of health of the people. Indian culture has …(65)... its striking uniqueness, as against the Western culture, in the fact that there is a ….(66)... place for spiritually is a very ….(67)... forced which helps is in maintaining our physical and mental health. It gives us …(68)... to cope with the stress. Westerners have now …(69)... the importance of spirituality and therefore, they have started…(70)... us in the matter of spirituality.61

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