IBPSClerk2014 Related Question Answers

151. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given questions?(0.3 + 0.9 + 0.06)(0.4 + 0.4 + 0.05) = ?

152. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given questions?120% of 675 + 92 = ?% of 1240 + 716

153. $$\frac{\sqrt{\frac{81}{25}} - \sqrt{\frac{144}{121}}}{\sqrt{\frac{1681}{484}}}$$

154. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the given questions?$$\frac{(0.6)^3 - (0.4)^3}{(0.6)^3 + (0.4)^3}$$ = ?

155. Study the table and answer the following questions:Number of books sold by store P in May is approximately what percent less than the number of books sold by store T in July?

156. Study the table and answer the following questions:What is the respective ratio between the total number of books sold by store P in April and June together and total number of books sold by store T in May and July together?

157. Study the table and answer the following questions:If 30% of the total number of books sold by store Q, S and T together in April were Academic books, how many non-academic books were sold by the same stores together in the same month?

158. Study the table and answer the following questions:What is the average number of books sold by store R in April, June and July together?

159. Study the table and answer the following questions:What is the difference between total number of books sold by store Q in May and July together and total number of books sold by store in S in March and June together?

160. A train 350 m long takes 36 seconds to cross a man running at a speed of 5 km/h in the direction opposite to that of train. What is the speed of the train?

161. A person invested some money at the rate of 6% simple interest. At the end of three years, he got Rs. 900 as SI. If interest is put at the rate of compound interest annually, how much more interest would he got in three years?

162. Raju purchases 550 ml of milk everyday. If cost of 1 litre of milk is Rs. 44, how much amount will he pay in 45 days?

163. Neha scored 1.2 times as many marks in Science as in Sanskrit and in Social Science. She scored 20 more marks than Science. If she secured 85.5% marks in these three subjects out of a total 600 marks (in the given three subjects only), how much did she score in Social Science?

164. ......... refers to the unauthorised copying and distibution of software.

165. A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called

166. Which of the following statements is a false conceiving file names?

167. Which is not a storage device?

168. ......... tags, placed on animal’s body can be used to record and truck in a database all of the animal’s movements.

169. Which of the following cables can transmit data at high speeds?

170. The hardware device or software program that sends messages between networks is known as a

171. If you are performing Windows 98 operating system to Windows XP you are performing a(n)

172. ......... technology enables you to carry a powerful navigational aid in websites.

173. Which of the following is not true about RAM?

174. Which of the following commands in Office 2007, can be used to go to first cell in the current row?

175. Software such as Viruses, Worms and Trojan Horses that has a malicious content, is known as

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