SSCCHSL11Jan2017AfternoonShift Related Question Answers

26. Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes. Primary colors, Red, Blue, Magenta

27. A piece of paper is folded and punched as shown in the below question figures. From the given answer figures, indicates how it will appear when opened ?

28. Which of the following is also known as the brain of the computer?

29. Soda water was invented by

30. The outermost layer of skin is

31. Which plants have root nodules?

32. Earth-worms belongs to the phylum

33. The mass of proton and mass of which atomic particle is same?

34. Using which of the following processes can one separate a solute from its solution?

35. Jantar Mantar is in

36. Salzburg Festival is held in which country?

37. If price of an article decreases from Rs. 25 to Rs. 20, quantity demanded increases from Q1 units to 1500 units. If point elasticity of demand is -1.25, find Q1?

38. Birth rate in a country is defined as

39. Where is "The Geysers", the world's largest geothermal field, containing a complex of 22 geothermal power plants, located?

40. Bauxite is an ore/mineral of

41. The real name of Dilip Kumar is ...............

42. The Gobi Desert is one of the largest deserts on Earth. A major part of it lies in which country?

43. Which is the largest continent in the world?

44. Aurangzeb put his father ..............under house arrest in Agra Fort.

45. The English defeated whom in the battle of Wandiwash?

46. Pulitzer prize is given in the field of ...............

47. What is the unit of electric resistance?

48. Who invented Television?

49. How many members of the Rajya Sabha are elected every two years?

50. The Indian Constitution declares India as all of the following, except

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