kerala-psc Related Question Answers

301. Which among the following is/are CORRECT about an RC phase shift oscillator?

302. Which one of the following is equal to one ampere of current?

303. Which one among the following has 2 fully stable states?

304. Who was the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament?

305. Ajanta Caves are located in the state of:

306. At which place Gauthama Buddha delivered his first sermon?

307. Time taken by the Constituent Assembly to prepare Constitution is?

308. The place where Ayyankali started a school for depressed classes?

309. Which among the following is a step used for changing the direction of a stair?

310. What is the side slope of a Cipoletti weir?

311. What is the disadvantage of centrifugal pump compared with reciprocating pump?

312. What is azimuth?

313. At any point on the magnetic equator what will be the angle of dip?

314. Name the ratio of power available at the shaft of a turbine to the power delivered by water to the runner.

315. What is the difference between two measured values of same quantity in surveying?

316. What is meant by Froude’s number?

317. Which of the following is a field test?

318. For what type of soil unconfined compression test is generally applicable?

319. Which of the following will have a plasticity index 20?

320. What is meant by optimum water content?

321. What is the function of a fish plate?

322. Which among the following is pressure on a fluid below atmospheric pressure?

323. Which of the following is the unit of coefficient of consolidation?

324. Which of the following soil samples will have grains of almost same particle size?

325. Which among the following is the term used for change in volume of soil per unit of initial volume due to a given unit increase in pressure?

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