51. The ratio of linear stress to linear strain is called :

52. The Modulus of Elasticity for Mild Steel is approximately equal to :

53. The line joining the centre of rivets and parallel to the edge of the plate is known

54. In a fusion welding process :

55. 18 - 4 - 1 High speed steel contains :

56. Up setting is the term used in one of the following operations :

57. In filing operations the metal removes during :

58. Mild steel belonging to the following category :

59. The unit of energy in SI system is :

60. Melting point of mild steel is about:

61. The size of a gear usually specified by :

62. Least count of vernier micrometer is_______________________________mm :

63. In the Indian Standard Systems for Limits and Fits, there are_______________________ grades Fundamental tolerances :

64. Suggest a combination of tolerance for precision sliding fit, from the given combinations

65. The operation of assembling slip gauges together for a given combination is known as :

66. The operation of shaping a grinding wheel is known as :

67. In a plain or simple index head, one complete rotation of the index crank rotates the spindle by :

68. The defects on a die cast component due to cold metal slow shot, low die temperature is known as :

69. Cast metal bonding to the die casting surface is known as :

70. Which half of the die casting dies is secured to the stationary platen of the machine?

71. Hot chamber die casting machines are used for making castings in :

72. The connecting member between the goose neck and the sprue bush in die casting machine is known as :

73. The amount of die opening at the time the angled pin contacts the core block in die casting dies is known as :

74. pumpused in hydraulic power pack is :

75. hold parts in perfectly related alignment by absorbing side pressure and lateral thrust:

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