1462015 Related Question Answers

76. Goal-setting theory was propounded by :

77. The process by which people exchange information, feelings and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages is called :

78. According to Tonnies, neighbourhood is a type of

79. In a Social group, the standards that largely govern behaviour within a group are maintained by:

80. The assumption that the people are motivated strictly by rewards and punishments is associated withleadership.

81. The Winter Olympics 2014 was held in :

82. Pope Francis I hails from :

83. Nation which granted asylum for Edward J.Snowden :

84. Artist who designated Chief Curator of the second season of Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014 :

85. National level programme for enhancement of higher education :

86. A private sector company Reliance is associated with the exploration of Natural Gas in :

87. Who authored the book Gandhi and Anarchy?

88. The national newspaper started in protest against the Vernacular Press Act passed by the British:

89. The longitude passes through Allahabad which is being based upon for the calculation of Indian Standard Time :

90. National leader who started Swadesi Shipping Company in wake of Swadesi Movement:

91. The organization which supported the British and critical of national leaders :

92. District of Kerala where cotton is cultivated :

93. Headquarters of Tipu Sultan in Malabar :

94. Founder of the newspaper ‘Swadesabhimani’ of Travancore :

95. The first political conference of Kerala was convened in 1921 at:

96. Number of districts in Kerala while the state was formed in 1956 :

97. Village Panchayats were started in Travancore during the reign of:

98. Who wrote the poem ‘Ente Gurunathan’ on Gandhi?

99. The first keralite to become Governor :

100. Nedungadi Bank the first commercial bank in Kerala was merged with which of the following?

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