1462015 Related Question Answers

51. The book“Social Diagnosis” was authored by :

52. The method of intervention as the focus is on the change of physical situation, or an alteration of any of the social systems, which may be essential for the client for better functioning is called :

53. Among the following--------

54. Marginalisation of people or areas and the imposition of barriers that restrict them from access to opportunities to integrate with the larger societies is called :

55. The group in the social group work is :

56. In communication information starts from :

57. When the client reacts inappropriately with irrational feeling towards the case worker, it is called:

58. Among the following —is not an ethic of a Social worker.

59. National Association of Social Workers is based at:

60. A group of individuals, families, or groups that share geographic location, identity, values, experiences or interests is called :

61. The practice of treating people differently and negatively based on a difference such as gender, age, religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, or ability is called :

62. Formal assessment of an organization or community’s ability to complete certain objective or task, including the resources required to do this is called :

63. The information that is not impartial and used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively is called :

64. Study of the social, psychological, cultural, biological and spiritual aspects of ageing is called :

65. Tendency of a social system to seek and maintain a balance or steady state which can be positive or negative is called :

66. The therapeutic technique of using short words or sentences rather than questions toencourage clients to continueto communicate is called:

67. Administration of a research tool to a small group of individuals prior to the research in order to determine if the tool effectively measures what it is designed to measure is called :

68. The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act introduced in the year :

69. A form of community organising that focuses a technical process of problem solving regarding substantive social problems that utilizes the expertise of professionals is called :

70. Among the following_________ is not an element of Community Organisation.

71. Sociometry was introduced by :

72. Human Poverty Index (HPI) is introduced by :

73. The book “The Handbook of Community Practice” is authored by :

74. Among the following, the one who identified four types of cooperation, that is, spontaneous, traditional, directed and contractual is :

75. Social System theory is an example of:

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